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1High school students how to improve the quality of PE class ofAbstract PE teaching physical education teachers to professional ethics, teaching ability, and education and scientific research capacity (learning and research capabilities and overall performance. Sports knowledge, skills, taught through the classroom to complete, through the ears of students, seeing , thinking, teaching practice to complete the goal of imitation. I think: to create a good classroom environment, can stimulate students to better accomplish the teaching objectives to improve the quality of PE teaching, so as to achieve the expected purposes of instruction. Keywords: the classroom environment, teaching objectives, teaching quality PE teaching is to promote the full development of students to the basic approach is to improve student physical, mental and social level of the overall health of an important means of physical exercise for students of science and the process of healthy growth. PE teaching to the “Health First “as the guiding ideology, starting from the students interests and hobbies, the 2creation of interesting situations, and guide students and peer interaction, cooperation, mutual encouragement and help each other and improve together in a creative way to learn science to exercise your body, grasp the health knowledge and skills, and scientific health approaches to improving health, improving mental health, and enhance social adjustment, initially formed in the exercise of positive, optimistic, cheerful attitude toward life, to stimulate students interest in sports. PE is the PE teacher teaching ethics, teaching ability and education and scientific research capacity (learning and research capabilities and overall performance. A teacher based on the basic requirements of the standard physical education curriculum with local, the actual situation of the school and students, teaching content and methods of re-creation process. how to improve the effectiveness of physical education, students in the classroom that have physical education and capacity-building and training through active classroom teaching to enhance the continuous healthy development of physical fitness, master the basic skills and techniques of physical 3exercise, sports Teaching the best solution, this is the current high school students in the classroom to improve the quality of the important part. for this problem personally think that sports should pay attention to improve and enhance the classroom environment. PE classroom environment, including internal and external environment and internal environment is state of mind of teachers, students of emotion, teaching materials and teaching methods used, the external environment is the site layout, equipment preparation, the surrounding circumstances, sanitary conditions. to improve the quality of PE teaching, sports should strive to create a good classroom environment, to stimulate the enthusiasm of students, students in the United States happy environment to learn, accomplish the teaching objectives. 1. External environment 1. Layout of the site layout of the site will help to stimulate the enthusiasm of the students. Sports spacious classroom, students broad vision, the external information through the transmission of excitatory nerve to reach the brain center, which conditioned the formation of students in good psychological 4condition, in order to ensure the successful completion of course and lay a good foundation. Example: track layout, neat standard the channel width, starting the end of the set, can give students a good psychological reflection of the long jump sand pit turned Pa, approach lane sign, throwing the angle between the edge area, one-meter intervals arc, the arrangement of these sites are indispensable. students through the visual reflection of the psychological produce good reflection of increased enthusiasm for learning, teaching for the next task to complete to prepare. good teaching environment, students can double interest, play a multiplier role. 1.2 Physical Education teaching content according to different selection of equipment and facilities. Sports equipment for physical activity and exercise class the basic guarantee for the density, but also one of the conditions necessary Shanghao course, there is no corresponding number of facilities and equipment to “make bricks without straw”, not a best athletic class. Therefore, taxable preparation, a good check of the class of sports equipment. For example: the gas turns to 5basketball, the number of balls to the amount of skill is clean before the roll mat, jump overhead, the bar is the standard length, riding a springboard to the security situation and so elastic , the equipment should be checked well, be aware of, so students do not have to worry about, so that students develop good learning state of mind. 1.3 to create a good surrounding environment Circumstances surrounding the phenomenon i
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