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1High school teaching on the ideological and political changes to achieve severalIn the new context of curriculum reform, how to improve the ideological and political teaching high school, so that revitalize the political class has become a high ideological and political teachers must face. We must be the new curriculum guide, careful study materials, study of social, ideological problems of the students in the teaching philosophy, teaching models, teaching methods to achieve a strategic transformation in order to better accomplish the task of teaching the ideological and political course, to achieve the desired aims of education. One. Variable open closed teaching teaching. The salient features of contemporary high school students are thinking of opening up, they are not satisfied with access to knowledge from the classroom, eager to reach out to understand the community, especially the hot social issues. In teaching practice, if from theory to theory, from books to books do not pay attention to the enthusiasm of the students take the initiative, will be into the 2“closed” teaching the blind alley, the vision of students detained in the context of teaching and classroom, is not conducive to Discriminate develop students ability and adaptability, also affected student interest in learning. Therefore, we must adapt to the psychological characteristics of students, focusing on teaching the “open”. For example talking about the “Chinese Communist Party: History and the peoples choice” of a class, I do not preach, but the first requires students to learn through various channels with lofty ideals for the country 100 years to revitalize the nations prosperity and perseverance, salvation and strengthen the countrys exploration process, and then let the students in the classroom to report the information at their disposal, and discuss ideas with materials, contrast, analysis, synthesis. on the basis of teaching, the students naturally understand the status of Chinas ruling Communist Party is the practice of the Chinese people have experienced serious long-term historical choice made. Second, the variable type of indoctrination based teaching as a guide teaching Indoctrinating teaching 3methods, although quite a long time in the past as a considerable number of educators have adopted and made an indelible effect. However, with the increase in information value and expand the scope of information transfer, more and more like indoctrination out its shortcomings. guide the students themselves to acquire knowledge, teach students to use the correct way of thinking to analyze and understand the issues, is the educational function on a profound change. teaching, we should pay attention to the guidance method of doubt, According to course design, to guide students through the reading material independently, to analyze and answer, in order to develop and train students thinking skills. talking about the “take seriously the rights and obligations” of a class, I asked students to put forward such a case: Merchant King A set up shop in their own loudspeakers, ear-piercing claims ads play all day, restless neighbors quarrel, it was this advice to Wang, Wang said: You control of my business is a violation of my rights and freedoms. king some say it? Why? students have this problem, read the materials will be more targeted, under the guidance of teachers, and gradually get answers to questions, difficult for students and teachers 4to explain the key points of the Department for such teaching, students not only the knowledge required to master the content of textbooks, but also cultivate self-learning ability and improve the thinking of the vast and profound. Third, the variable type of instruction to teach a two-way one-way type of teaching. According to the traditional teaching model, teachers are the embodiment of truth, the students are passive recipients of information is one way of teaching conducted by teachers to students. So the one hand, students listen to the teachings and focus on receive and recite, caused by the lack of doubt thinking, partly because students are receiving a number of social thought and the information had doubts, I hope get resolved in the classroom, but teachers teach Quedui practical problems with students not on the number. In order to change this situation, I took of teaching, teaching information timely feedback to students to learn more targeted solution to the confusion. reposted elsewhere in the paper for free download http:/eng.comin spoken, “Chinas basic economic system” section, I 5want the students to present their views and questions, some students said: “Socialism does not allow the exploitation, but the funded the profits of enterprises to create the surplus value of workers is it? “Some students also said:” Since opening, the impact of domestic products imported goods, and many national brands disappeared, there has been corporate bankruptcy, workers
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