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1Historical and cultural understandingAbstract high school history curriculum is the implementation of education for international understanding of the main channel. In the context of globalization, how to highlight the theme of the times of peace and development, international understanding education plays a vital position. “International understanding” is the essence of human culture, respect for consensus and sharing, in which the role of history education can not be replaced. History teachers should co-exist with a symbiotic perspective on history curriculum in the international understanding of the scope and content of education content, curriculum goals and practice, and thus sum up the historical subjects of the common values of education for international understanding, to help further improve the driving force for curriculum reform, the history courses, so that able-bodied citizens of our countrys education system contribute. 2Keywords: International Understanding Education; history curriculum; History Education Education for International Understanding aimed at finding a human peace and development. It has two basic starting point: co-existence and symbiosis. Namely: in the context of globalization, promoting different areas, different nationalities, different cultural backgrounds, different religious beliefs among people of mutual understanding and tolerance through active cooperation, relating to human survival and social development of the major issues of global reach consensus, the emphasis is to inculcate the awareness of peoples coexistence and symbiosis. In other words, it is to explore common values of mankind, and to “encourage everyone through a better understanding of the world to understand ourselves and others, the truth becomes conscious of the interdependence 3and solidarity.” 1 International understanding on the premise that recognition of the global cultural diversity and pluralistic values derived therefrom. Therefore, the talk about “international understanding” is tantamount to saying that “cultural understanding.” “Cultural understanding” is the “international understanding” of the most core content. The school history curriculum is the cultural understanding of the messenger. History has shown, the cultural uniqueness of intermediation can coexist, the concept of symbiosis, so that students are aware that the existence of the common heritage of mankind, and a profound sense their own history, culture and other countries, national history, culture and spiritual values among the interdependence, and thus respect for cultural diversity, advocating peace and achieving mutual understanding and 4common development. A history curriculum education for international understanding of the scope and content of History curriculum, the teaching objectives and content of a particular social value orientation specific concentrated reflection. International understanding, as a global economic integration, political pluralism arising in the context of the survival and development concept requires not only education based on reality, look to the future, and require it through a wide range of specific historical facts to achieve realization of human rights, international peace and human co-existence purpose. Essence of Education for International Understanding, mainly develop tolerance and respect for the national attitude, 5and communication and consultation with other countries and joint operations. Therefore, whether we understand the world based on different regions, different national traditions, cultural, religious perspective, or from dealing with current affairs and deal with international challenges the perspective of examining “international understanding” the meaning and value, as long as the “tolerant” of “respect for “ consultation “and” common action “to implement at the familiar with the skills of international exchanges and cooperation and jointly create a world of peace and creating a better future for mankind and convictions, we can not but with historical knowledge and historical perspective, and thus get a promotion of human harmonious development of society and the concept of historical consciousness. The new “full-time compulsory history curriculum standards” and “high school history curriculum standards” (hereinafter collectively referred to as “history curriculum standards”) states: “As mankind 6enters the 21st century, an increasingly accelerated process of economic globalization, the world of ideas and cultures clash, the sustainable development of political multi-polarization trend. In this context the international situation, how to maintain and carry forward the traditional Chinese culture, inspire patriotic feelings of the students, they become history education can not avoid the question. “2 a “stepped up exchanges in the international competition becomes increasingly fierce. a countrys comprehensive national strength, the stren
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