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1History of mathematics in middle school education investigation and analysis of the status quoPaper Keywords: history of mathematics; infiltration; history of mathematics education; mathematical literacy Paper Abstract: The history of mathematics education to the students to learn mathematics and mathematical thinking is very important to comprehend. The current history of mathematics education in primary schools is its content and methods of the status quo can not meet the learning needs of students of mathematics. History of mathematics education, mathematics education should be the daily organically combined. 1 Introduction 2History of Mathematics is the study of mathematics the occurrence and development process and the law of a discipline, its main research object is the history of the mathematical results and various factors affecting the development of mathematics to explore mathematical ideas their predecessors in order to guide the progress of mathematics . And to foresee the future of mathematics. Chinese mathematician Wu Wenjun said: “The history of mathematics education and mathematics are inseparable.” This research project aimed at “current textbooks on the history of mathematics knowledge, whether it can meet the students a strong thirst for knowledge,” “the history of mathematics knowledge of students learn how to help in the end “,” Mathematics Teaching how to penetrate the history of mathematics “and other issues were discussed. Purpose of the history of mathematics education through secondary school survey of the status quo. Identify problems and make recommendations to promote the history of mathematics secondary education. 3Second, the survey and methodology The survey targets are Pinghu City, Zhejiang Province, Chengguan Middle School 1 (4), 1 (6) classes and East Lake Middle School 2 (2), 2 (3) classes and Alam Secondary School 3 (1), 3 (4) Class A total of 290 students. Mainly uses the survey method. A total of 290 questionnaires were issued, 100% recovery rate, of which 275 valid questionnaires, efficiency 94.83%. The survey consists of three steps: (1) First, the questionnaire has been carefully studied the subject as far as possible the questionnaire accurately reflect the 4purpose of the investigators to improve the questionnaire validity. (2) randomly selected three schools, six classes conducted a questionnaire survey. (3) In a survey of students prior to making the necessary guidance to help students avoid unnecessary psychological burden. Ensure the authenticity and reliability of the respondents. Third, the findings and analysis of 1, most students like the history of mathematics knowledge With results from the survey, only a very small number of students do not like the history of mathematics; more than half of students feel that learning the history of 5mathematics for their usual mathematical learning is helpful: the majority of students believe that mathematics describes the history of mathematics knowledge is necessary. They want the teacher in class when the combination of classroom content to dwell on the history of mathematics knowledge. Students have access to the history of mathematics knowledge is dependent on the teachers to explain, I also think that teachers in the history of the study of mathematics plays an important guiding role in the classroom teaching is the penetration of the main positions in the history of mathematics knowledge, through the introduction of the history of mathematics knowledge, can trigger students interest in mathematics to encourage students conscious attention to the history of mathematics knowledge. 2, the current handling of materials and teaching methods can not meet the needs of students 6The questionnaire “(5) you want the history of mathematics in the form of knowledge in what interludes in mathematics textbooks”, “(7) Do you want most to what aspect of the history of mathematics knowledge”, “(4) Do you think mathematics textbooks The content is rich in history of mathematics “,” (8) your teacher in math class is always introduced the history of mathematics knowledge, “this four question survey. The existing junior high school mathematics textbooks in the history of mathematics content of reading materials in the form of marginal notes interspersed in which the vast majority of students is acceptable. Right (4), title, and only 6.18% of the students are rich, right (8) questions, and only 7.37% of students considered to be frequent. Math textbooks can be seen in the history of mathematics can not meet the content is still far from the history of mathematics knowledge of students desire to integrate into the classroom teaching in the history of mathematics knowledge was inadequate. The results from the survey also shows that students want to know the production process of mathematical knowledge. Want to know a mathematicians life story, want to know mathematics, new inventions, new achievements. And so
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