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1How do students in mathematics teaching creative thinkingThe so-called creative thinking, is a creation of thought, namely, by thinking, not only reveal the nature of objective reality and its internal relations, and on this basis can produce new, unprecedented results of thinking it is the product of highly developed intelligence , is the result of nurture and training. creative thinking to new and unique approach to the problem, with the divergence and convergence, flexibility and variability, unique and novel features. First, create a good atmosphere in the classroom and asked the question context, to ask for flexible set up to maximize performance and create a prerequisite The performance of creative thinking activities, situations need to create a good atmosphere for teachers so that students have towards the creation of a strong desire to target our teaching in the classroom, should make full use of all available space of imagination, give full play to the imagination of students, students of creativity. 2In mathematics teaching, teachers should provide students with the concept as much as possible, the actual background of the theorem, the design theorem, formulas of the discovery process, so that students can experience a way of thinking from the vague to the clear, from concrete to abstract, from intuition to logic process , then by the intuitive, rough to the rigorous, precise pursuit of the process, to enable students to experience the mathematical process of development, and understand mathematical concepts, fundamental ideas of the theorem, theorem proving to master the ins and outs of the process, enhance the consciousness of learning mathematics, students in the analysis of the process of concept formation, in the formula, Theorem summary of the discovery process argument, the increase in active participation opportunities for students to do math in the process of enlightenment thinking, breakthrough teaching difficult. Second, mobilize the students to be good at thinking skills inherent Develop interest and promote thinking. Interest is the best teacher, but also the conscious 3knowledge of each student within the power of the teacher should carefully design each lesson, to make each lesson vivid and moving deliberately creating situations, setting attractive suspense, to stimulate students thinking spark and thirst for knowledge, often have to learn to guide students to use mathematical knowledge and methods to explain their familiar practical issues, such as column equations word problems is that students generally find it difficult to one of the elements, the main difficulty is handled badly algebraically analysis of those problems, can not find an equivalent relationship, not the column equation, so I teach out of consciousness when algebraic equations for the teaching of the column to make some preparatory work, inspired by the number of students from the complex relationship between the known and to look for the intrinsic link between the unknown by sketching the list, together with a number of examples and exercises, so students can gradually find out the equivalent relationship, listed equations, and on this basis to improve, that idea is not the same as the same subject , lists the different equations, so that most of the students can more successfully listed equations, problems encountered will be 4analysis of positive thinking. Third, inspire and guide, to maintain continuity of creative thinking Question in the appropriate context, the enthusiasm of the students thought was fully mobilized, but how to maintain this enthusiasm to continue without interruption. Teachers in the teaching of knowledge should enable students to both long and long wisdom, thinking ability of students development, can also gradually develop in practical activities such as carrying out the characteristics of parallel lines of teaching, teaching materials and are given two parallel lines cut by a third straight line obtained by a static basic graphics, I set the problem situation: you can use a folded paper out of two irregular parallel line? talk about your folding. Unsuccessful students in the independent case, the teacher gives the right to demand, and finally through the team to explore the way that this problem has been resolved and then letting the students out of a straight line cut off the two parallel lines, this time, the textbook The three-wire octagonal basic graphics vividly show in front of students, teaching students through participation in 5practical activities, thinking and practice can be combined organically, so to develop their thinking. Of course, the quality is not good thinking can be formed overnight, but as long as the actual situation of the student, through various means, persistence and patience, it would surely be effective. Links to free download http:/eng.com
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