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1Improve the efficiency of primary mathematics classroom education is the key to effectiveImprove the efficiency of primary school mathematics teaching is a higher primary school teachers teaching requirements. From the class before and after school classes about how to improve three aspects of primary mathematics teaching effectiveness. 1. Teachers prepared before class, clear teaching objectives The adequacy of teacher preparation courses directly affects the effectiveness of classroom teaching, a complete, clear goals must be to improve classroom teaching mathematics classroom teaching. So, the development of science teaching objectives embodied in what areas? 1.1 This requires that teachers in the teaching content reasonably determine the breadth and depth of course content. Popular speakers, taking into account the ability to accept students, so it should be a reasonable amount of information was to arrange a lesson. Of low grade and high grade students to distinguish, due to 2different levels of thinking are different levels of development, so the progress of teaching should be treated differently. 1.2 The focus on teaching content should be separate and difficult, so to avoid teaching the basic content of the main grip, and in minor or easy to accept the contents of the students to spend more time to reach a predetermined teaching. 2. The scientific and novelty into the classroom 2.1 stimulate student interest in learning, to create a relaxed learning atmosphere, we know that mathematics is not just a cognitive process, it is an emotional process. For this kind of feeling we have to note that teaching students interested in learning mathematics. Train students interested in the following areas may wish to start. 2.1.1 to the students to create a harmonious, pleasant classroom atmosphere. Such as the use of modern teaching methods, computer multimedia technology, and allow teachers to teach content becomes new, interesting. For 3example, in teaching statistics, the teacher demonstrated the use of multimedia courseware “fruit rain “The scene - to the following different types of fruit presented in the form of rain on the screen. so teachers can ask students to observe later:” What kinds of fruit there? the emergence of a few? you can remember it? who has good way to help you remember clearly? “a very smooth, rapid introduction of the statistical content. the one hand, the image of teaching content more intuitive, and the other students would find the classroom more interesting, so that they feel learning initiative. This lively classroom atmosphere undoubtedly greatly improve the classroom teaching. 2.1.2 focus on the establishment of good relations between teachers and students, teachers and students to strengthen the emotional communication. Teachers in the classroom smiling, the happy mood that infects the students, give students a kind of intimacy, the students have motivation to learn. Therefore, in the classroom teaching, teachers should take sincere smile the face of every child, teachers and students to exchange feelings, so that every child with a good attitude in the classroom learning among 4teacher organizations. for underachieving students, teachers should be a lot of encouragement so that they learn better confidence. often praised for students and found that they thought of the “bright spot” to spark students curiosity and enthusiasm for learning. 2.2 How the issue set the scene, the scientific guidance in the teaching of new knowledge, teachers should be interested in creating a lively, cheerful mood, revealing the links between knowledge, to improve classroom results. In the creation of situations, teachers can put stories and games into the classroom , also allows students to operate their own hands. For example, in teaching “scores of preliminary understanding,” the former can be arranged in the same situation: “Little Red, Xiaolan they eat a cake, how much each person eats? If the mathematical how to represent it? “the students would be very much fun, and eager to learn, so teachers can capitalize on the trend, leads to teaching content, with students entering the new knowledge. Thus, teachers in the classroom teaching 5mathematical problem should be sought to restore the common life, to understand and accept the problem, that is, the mathematical “Life.” In this way, students not only master the mathematical knowledge and skills mathematics learning can also be linked with real life. Links http:/eng.comdownload the free paper, of course, after the teacher to ask questions and pay attention to the students to think independently of the time, a bold attempt to address students problem. Teaching students to think creatively and give full play and better train the students thinking, the dominant role of teachers is to design good questions, stimulate thinking, the problems for the students to think give targeted guidance. 2.3 The focus on hands-on in the cla
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