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1Improve the efficiency of secondary schools teaching computerAbstract accelerate the pace of education reform, continue to explore effective teaching methods, use of modern teaching methods, improve their computer knowledge and practical ability to improve the future builders of the scientific and cultural qualities, skills and technology awareness, a secondary school computer The fundamental task of education. Keywords: the efficiency of secondary education in computer First, note that the level of student interest in learning to inspire enthusiasm and motivation to learn Psychological research shows that when people are interested in a certain thing to know soon; if no interest, awareness to slow, or not to accept it. To look at the psychological characteristics of primary and secondary students, in general, for their interest in learning play a leading role in the direct interest, and longer duration of action. Teachers should help them to form a direct interest, and according to the level of the psychological development 2of students, in a timely manner to help them put into an indirect interest in direct interest. In contrast, in the computer course Students often a great interest in direct contact with computers, willing hands; and for learning computer theory, interest will be quite small. In view of this, it may be adopted in teaching students to learn new knowledge to operate the machine. so that students, particularly is the students course of study in the computer will feel relaxed, happy, and maintain a high enthusiasm for learning. In teaching content, but also should seek to cultivate student interest in learning. In secondary schools, according to the psychological characteristics of middle school students, conscious to introduce some game software, tools, good software and mapping assisted teaching methods so that they more relaxed learning environment in the computer knowledge to understand and master the computers basic operating procedures. In fact, in some middle schools, computer education lack of clear purpose, course content not suitable for high school students the ability to accept arrangements, failed to reflect the difference between middle school computer courses, such as the creation of 3program design and teaching. This makes a lot of terrified students in computer classes, and gradually lose interest in learning and motivation. This situation must be changed. Similarly, it is noteworthy that in secondary school teaching should avoid simplistic tendency. In secondary schools, if only for text input process of teaching and fun design, but also make students feel “Do not quench your thirst” and lose interest in learning. To this end, students should be based on the actual situation and the depth of knowledge to guide students to think, resolve a doubt solve problems, stimulate their curiosity, stability, and maintain their interest in learning. Second, good inspiration and guidance work, moderate stringent requirements, the good will of the quality of students Non-intellectual factors willpower is an important aspect, it can make people consciously identify targets and overcome difficulties and strive to achieve the target. Willpower to overcome the difficulties in continuously honed in practice, teaching in the computer, students can get this exercise. For example, in computer operations and other learning activities, the students 4themselves to hands-on, need to focus attention, if the wrong press a key, sometimes affect the operation of the executive, or even come to naught. In another example, the text input exercise, to achieve fast and accurate, requires students to repeatedly practice, perseverance, especially in the realization from beginners to “comfortably,” the process, the more need to make some hard work. in computer assisted instruction, students use courseware for learning, in fact, under the guidance of teachers to explore and practice, which requires students to use, the combination of existing knowledge, to maintain appropriate mental and physical tension, and there is a strong curiosity, enough patience and perseverance. in the computer teaching, programming and problem solving to achieve the correct and perfect, will require learners to continuing to explore and forge ahead, undaunted by repeated setbacks. the teaching process, students hone willpower are good, but it can not automatically implementation, which requires teachers to accept the students actual ability to create appropriate contexts to stimulate students desire for knowledge, so that students produced in the process of exploring creative thinking. 5Links to free paper download http:/eng.comThird, develop the concept of a love of science to enrich students emotional Computer courses, students sit in front of the computer, they are faced with both hands-on experiments, but also think for the initiative can also play as a learning tool for creative learning. With t
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