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1Improve the teaching of writing I see languageAbstract: the use of Audio-visual media in language teaching, not only can improve the teaching of reading efficiency, but more importantly also develop students writing skills, but also an effective means of regulating teaching. The use of writing materials And method of information output, the feedback information to practice the situation, to strengthen the teaching objectives, teaching effect. Keywords: writing materials before class after-school marking guidance “Labour in the school,” “Plaza in writing”, illustrates the close relationship between reading and writing. Reading is the basis for writing, is absorbed from the outside to inside, is to learn the language, the purpose of writing is reading is from outside to inside expression, is the use of language. Therefore, the use of audio-visual media, language teaching, not only can improve the efficiency of reading instruction, more important still develop students writing skills. audio-visual media used in teaching, not only knowledge the information carrier, and is regulated effective means of teaching. in composition teaching the appropriate use of 2audio-visual media, primarily to help students collection, storage, analysis, writing materials, and methods of use of information output, the feedback information to practice the situation, to strengthen the teaching objectives, teaching effect. (A guide with images before class, students collected the ability to store writing materials As the saying goes, “can not make bricks without straw.” Student compositions generally suffer from a “fear of difficulty disorder.” Thesis writing, whether, or to the material composition, writing teachers in the proposed request, despite repeated prompts, inspiration, guidance, students still do not know where Department write, often “found nothing to write” feeling. educational psychology research shows that: “Students must have writing and writing related to the perceptual representation, such as life of the accumulated material and activities in a particular obtained by observing material. “This requires the students before writing and social life of objective things, multi-lateral, multi-angle, full of observation, access to writing materials. Since students usually do not” lifes 3Kind “, its objective things and impression of the social life is ambiguous, messy face naturally difficult to write essay topic written. If the things written are for students beyond the classroom to the field observations and then write, this is very unrealistic. for this case, it can make use of projection (or slides, video (or film, guiding the students before class. For example, ask students to write travel landscape, tilting Scenic composition class, the projector can be quickly reflected essay questions, writing requirements and the relevant indicative text. In this way, teachers, followed by projected subtitles to explain not only saves time writing on the blackboard, but also to enhance the students impression. At the same time, writing plays for students to observe the natural landscape scenery video (you can turn off the films soundtrack and audio commentary, only show the students an intuitive, full screen, and guide the students one by one observation, the performance of the desired objective things form a complete, deep impression. students with a vivid sense of the written materials available, write written will be more easy. first 4draft is completed, teachers were observed in the video replay and open the music and audio commentary, so that students their composition compared with the films commentary, to identify omissions in the observation of writing and lack of understanding objective things, and then supplemented modified. thus write the essay, the quality of writing more often than traditional instructional methods, free essay written by students to be much higher. If it is asked to write a narrative, argumentation, and poetry writing class, also using the same method, or projection reflected writing materials (text, pictures, etc., or video displays original objective things (overall, local, detail, etc. development process and the social picture of life change, and guide students observation. one does not catches the attention was suddenly enlarged map of small cartoon on the screen now, to give students a clear, intuitive perception, double the writing fresh. teachers again to guide students through the thinking of the screen to observe and contact the social life as heuristic analysis and that will arouse the 5enthusiasm of the students writing, inspired writing, desire, to achieve the desired teaching. reposted elsewhere in the paper for free download http:/ / eng.com (two after-school marking with images, students analyze the ability of the use of writing materials Essay is to train students on the proper use of language an important way and means. Marking a student composition tr
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