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1Improved physical classroom teachingAbstract: Physical Education is to achieve Sports and Health Course Value the main way. Classroom teaching physical education and health with course objectives are closely related to the request made by this reason, many sports journalists on how to improve sports classroom teaching, from the teachers “leading role”, put forward a number of useful suggestions, then, in a “dominant position” students, their teaching activities of the “psychological basis” for classroom teaching what impact and how Students combine classroom teaching psychology? try to talk from the perspective of a physical education increased effectiveness. slightly speak up for the peer reference. Keywords psychological atmosphere created based teaching situation A student of the “psychological basis” affect the creation of the teaching situation Classroom teaching situation is unique educational environment. Known: different teaching situations will produce different teaching effectiveness. Improve classroom teaching must be based on good teaching situation basis. 2Create good teaching situation depends on the psychology students state, and the students psychological basis “directly affect the level of activity in this state of mind, students in the classroom teaching activities in the” psychological basis “, including participation in the context of teaching and learning activities, awareness, enthusiasm, attitude and passion. Second, the students psychological basis “Impact Teacher Role Teaching situation is the way teachers and students in teaching activities during mental activity formed and developed in. If students do not have positive “psychological basis” it is difficult to form a good teaching situation, then, in the actual teaching, teachers teaching strategies the use of teaching methods, teaching step in the implementation and imparting knowledge to teach the breadth and depth will be directly or indirectly affected by the impact of the teaching situation, thus affecting teachers role into full play. Third, the students psychological basis “affect the effectiveness of their activities Healthy and positive “psychological basis” can 3produce a series of favorable positive factors to improve teaching effectiveness. Scientists study shows that a person can play an enthusiasm for 80% to 90% of the order, otherwise play about 20%. Students teaching activities in a dominant position, how the effect of classroom activities, depends largely on the students level of effort. good “psychological basis” can encourage students actively involved in teaching activities in the past, so that teaching and learning activities for students happily and consciously accept the mastery of knowledge, and thus get a good through classroom activities and learning. Fourth, how to combine psychology students for classroom teaching For the classroom, only to create a good teaching situation in order to arouse the same emotional experience between teachers and students, resulting in emotional resonance, then, teachers in addition to the choice of teaching methods, the use of teaching methods, teaching arrangements tissue formation aspects of exploration, but also give full consideration to the dominant position of students. attention to all aspects of teaching and learning activities, cultivate students positive psychological 4basis “will help create a good teaching situation, therefore, in the classroom teaching teachers should pay attention to the following points : (One with education, regulation of emotions students to participate in teaching activities Young students with emotional variability, are susceptible to objective factors. Physical education students can actively cooperate with the “instruction” and “mood” the conduct of exercises, mostly because of emotional education teachers “impulse” and the use of “Mode” is not appropriate, resulting in “depression” or “resentment.” reasonable adjustments and control students emotions, teachers in the teaching process using educational methods must be careful, first, to restrain their emotions, the students deviant “behavior can not simply” punishment “after a large area of criticism, should address the young students,” lively “nature, calmly positive education, and secondly, the situation unsatisfactory for students to practice speaking when students do not blindly” shortcomings “, to be good at capturing the students advantage” multi definitely student progress, and the 5third, the students do not encounter difficulties in practicing the “subjective judgment” should be patient and help students analyze the causes and timely enlighten and only trying to make a correct understanding of the students “wrong” and optimism towards the “problem” in order to keep it stable mood participate in teaching activities. Links to free download http:/eng.com(Two made a good classroom atmosphere, triggering the awareness of students to parti
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