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1Improved training methods to improve essay writing skills of studentsAbstract: The current status of teaching writing, teaching writing to update the article pointed out that the concept of flexible training methods to improve writing and methods to help students get rid of fear of hardship, to achieve effective to enhance the writing ability. Keywords: Update ideas, snippets training, writing style With the implementation of the new curriculum reform, writing, language knowledge and skills as the main carrier of the integrated use of their teaching ideas and methods of reform, has become the new curriculum under the concept of secondary school language teaching reform in a personal “litmus test.” And Current language composition teaching in secondary schools facing poor and low efficiency dilemma: while the teacher worked hard to try to change about dried up, while the students brains, it is difficult to write. many students feeling: writing, you say love is not easy. Why do we spend a lot of time and energy to carry out the teaching of writing will be the situation today? This is probably many years of writing and teachers 2understand the narrow, narrow understanding of this teaching method led to the writing dull, rigid, so that students alike, such as Pro abyss. In fact, if we can change a way of thinking, to be a broad understanding of the composition, training and flexible ways and means to improve writing, students of the psychological fear and tired of writing can be overcome. This article aims to explore some new form of teaching writing I hope to give new ideas into the teaching of writing. A decentralized, attention training clips Daily teaching of writing, we teachers, students writing, words frequently 500,600 words, which first intimidated by the students from the words on. “Short step, without which thousands of miles, no small streams into a mighty torrent.” In fact, writing in the usual training, we can do small and focused, and more for pieces of writing. decentralized, anything easy, in a small step in the accumulation of experience, solid writing, basic skills, and ultimately the overall writing skills improved. 1. The use of text, for Imitative Materials and 3many other books on the text quality and beauty of the article, this is a very valuable teaching resource and we should take advantage of one of the exciting segments, so that students Imitative. For junior high school students, parodies should not be too long to paragraph works best parodies, such as a text, describing the scene on Baicaoyuan very well, you can allow students to Imitative. Again of portrayal is very good, but also allows students to Imitative. Imitative what to set as text, natural features, voice and facial expression, life scene, where there are characteristics can be used as an example of student parodies from the form that also allows them to fake note, fake arguments, fake or imitation sentence lyrical, stage, certain format so the writing exercises, students have rules to follow, there is a road to follow, will not conflict. (2) the use of space, improvisation and writing Many articles, often abrupt end at the climax, or at the end left many gaps, so that the reader to imagine that taste. This article, teachers should be good to use, such 4as the end of the article, so Kung out of the hotel after the students to imagine the scene, at the end, the students will guess what the Emperor Hui Gong Another example Tigerts , at the expense of patients of patients who life in exchange for a window seat, when he struggled up and look out the window, I saw not the beautiful scenery, such as patients referred, but a wall of bare walls the story here is over, but our thinking will this stop. As a result, writing can allow students to improvise a man patients mental activity, students in Hing head, write things tend to make us have an unexpected surprise. 3 to capture a sense point, the camera-induced In the process of learning lessons, students should pay attention to capture the most exciting moments one by one, well-designed topic guide students to real-time writing, such as learning time, when you see an old antelope only For the next generation of survival willing to be martyred when the cliff fell off the pier, the students were all visibly moved, classroom 5silence. At this point, I presented the three topics on the blackboard: If you fall off a cliff on to write several of the old antelope sentence eulogy, how would you write? If you survive the small antelope of say a few words, how would you say? If you were at that time, hunters say a few words, how would you say? Please choose one of them wrote passage. A few minutes later, the students write out the text segment, very moving, very classic and these segments can be said that not a student to write o
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