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1Improvement of the effectiveness of high school mathematics classroomThe classroom is the first place to learn, but also acquire knowledge of the most important part. So, regardless of exam-oriented education or quality education, classroom teaching, how well a direct impact on student learning conditions, also affect the quality of teaching of teachers. In the case of the new curriculum reform, teachers time to become more tense, thereby enhancing the effectiveness of the classroom, to 45 minutes to be efficient, has become an important part of teaching and urgent, but also teachers a powerful tool for improving teaching quality, then how to improve the classroom the effectiveness of teaching it? Here, I talk about in high school math class in how to improve the effectiveness of a little knowledge. First, enhance students interest in mathematics As the saying goes interest is the best teacher, the students only have interest in this course will only be seriously go to lectures, and to think. So how to improve the students interest, I think, first of all to train students in the mathematical sense, given the history of their infiltration into the math knowledge and on the story 2of mathematics to enable students to gradually understand the math. Again, give them some interesting questions or to solve problems, such as Goldbach conjecture, 100 chickens and so on, which led to interest students in mathematics. Finally, teachers should continually improve their own personality and charisma, with its own charm and personality to influence the quality of students in order to enable students to love learning your class. With the interest in there being pro-active, so as to improve the efficiency of classroom instruction basis. Second, lessons teaching objectives must be clear, to optimize Each of us has on one lesson teaching objectives, that is to be completed in this lesson teaching content What is this? Teachers must be very clear, clear. Reasonable only with a clear objective will be the dominant classroom, specifically those who are the focus, those are difficult, only to rhythmic teaching. And to optimize the teaching goals, teaching objectives should be specific, focused, highlighting, so that will be more targeted, more efficient conduct of classroom teaching, thereby enhancing the effectiveness of the classroom. 33 issue of the creation of an appropriate context Problem situation is a professor of each class in order to design the new knowledge into new courses as a problem. A math lesson a good design if the problem situation, then they would put in a class of students attracted attention, and then the students would want to go down this issue into thinking this problem, thus ensuring his earnest lectures, and the initiative is high. For example; we talking about the location of a straight-line relationship between the two, you can create a simple problem situation for students and proximity to them, so that students observe the teacher, the one on the beam line and the ground, a line position relationship, because students in which the body, so they think everyone, each person has their own answer, in the end who answer correctly, then re-enter the new courses of teachers, students increased attention, interest has increased, then this class of teaching efficiency also increased. Therefore, the problem of the creation of context in improving the effectiveness of great help to the classroom, but also to improve the effectiveness of an important means of teaching. Fourthly, to improve teaching methods 4To improve the effectiveness of classroom teaching, improve teaching methods is also an important part of good teaching methods, a class can have rhythm, there is order, quality completion. Between teachers and students make a good co-ordination can give full play the initiative of students and teachers to teach the effect of math concepts and more theorem, the formula more, there is no experiment, and how these formulas are not on the up and boring, not so rigid, it must rely on good teaching methods, to improve, for example; we can use heuristic, speaking practice combining self-learning, cooperative learning and other teaching methods. According to the characteristics of each lesson selection of suitable teaching methods, students for what they have learned in the classroom Shang Hao, timely training and consolidation, such as give the students some practice, hands-on, time for exercise on the blackboard for students to brain and My hands are moving up, in order to make less boring boring math class in order to make classroom teaching more efficient, to ensure the effectiveness of classroom teaching. At the same time in the classroom and interactive questions for students to enhance teaching effectiveness is a measure, questions can 5improve students attention, and students to enable students to explore the interaction, you can enhance the sense of competition, greatly inspire the
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