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1Improving Chemistry Experiment Teaching Creative AbilityAbstract: The chemistry experiment is the implementation of a comprehensive chemistry education one of the most effective form. While vigorously promoting quality education today, in chemistry teaching experiments should make full use of this instrument. Interest is a special kind of sense of orientation, is an important motivation generated by subjective reasons. Suitable for students in logical thinking through chemistry experiments step by step prepare students to analyze problems, creative problem-solving abilities. Keywords: chemical experiment; interest in learning; innovation capability 2Junior high school chemistry teaching is enlightenment stage of chemical education. Curious middle school students, their motivation to learn chemistry tend to satisfy their curiosity and interest-based. The primary task of teaching chemistry experiment is how to stimulate students interest in learning chemistry, and that this “short” interest to maintain and to develop a stable manner so as to enhance their learning chemistry initiative and enthusiasm. The purpose of learning is not only to acquire knowledge, but more importantly is the understanding and application of knowledge is the wisdom of the acquisition of skills in chemistry teaching, the most advanced intellectual skills, learning the rules of access to high-ranking, advanced learning is one of the rules of discovery learning, This is a creative problem-solving process, Ausubel and Robinson believe that the mental model of this process can be divided into four stages: 3First: the creation of the problem scenario; Second: a clear purpose and conditions of the problem; Third: the process of filling the gap, that is known to achieve the objective conditions and a perception gap between the filling. Fourth: the testing phase, test includes checking whether the goals to achieve and reasoning right or not. According to this psychological process, students learn chemistry experiment is a strategy, an appropriate increase experiment, changing demonstration experiment for students to experiment or Bian Jiangbian experiments, it can give students a colorful world, to stimulate the curiosity of students, thus sparking interest in eventually turned into a positive attitude. Change confirmatory experiment found that experiment, which can effectively create a problem 4situation, or the use of cognitive space filling experiments, test hypotheses, so that intellectual activity to achieve the best condition. Students can experiment in practice to know chemistry and everyday life, and national economic development with the clock each other, are also willing to the struggle, so the strengthening chemical and life, production lines, is one of the trends of educational development disciplines. Through the above analysis, I think the current school chemistry experiment should be implemented the following reforms: An increase experiments and real-life, production lines, 5and actively carry out a second classroom activities Experiments and real life to enhance the linkages to enable students to experience the value of chemistry in society, in the practical application of chemical principles, knowledge, do apply their knowledge. Thus, on the one hand can enhance the original experiment and life, production lines, on the other hand can enhance the actual production and living as a second experiment linked to classroom learning important content. Example: In the teaching of combustion conditions, it can demonstrate two experiments: 1. Heating a copper, both sides were placed a small piece of white phosphorus and red phosphorus, and observe the phenomenon. 2. In a beaker filled with water, put a few small pieces of white phosphorus, while the system to take oxygen, through the airway targeting white phosphorus leads to oxygen. Can see 6that white phosphorus burn, water could fire. After the presentation, ask students to think: 1. Why is copper on the white phosphorus can be burning, red phosphorus can not be burnt? 2. What do I need white phosphorus in water in order to burn? 3. Of red phosphorus can burn? Then just add demonstrate red phosphorus combustion experiments, a small amount of red phosphorus on the iron yarn online, directly in the alcohol lamp flame on the heating, the students observe the red phosphorus in the air in the combustion phenomenon, and then guide students to read teaching materials are summarized up combustion conditions. Finally to help students unlock the mystery, “wildfire” and let the students do not believe that superstition, and superstitious activities to combat it. 2, change to keep pace experimental demonstration experiment to enhance practical ability of students 7Times experiment, it is the teachers in the teaching process to guide students to make their own experiments to observe the phenomenon, due to a combination of classroom teaching, not only in terms of i
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