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1In sterile conditions throughout the hygiene conditions in order to love - reflection on classroom teaching after-school studyAbstract: Music is an emotional art, music teaching is a special teaching art. Primary music education to our students music, influenced by the initial formation of a good music quality and the aesthetic. Aesthetic form is inseparable from emotional experience, which requires teachers to take on the teaching of emotional experience through giving full play emotional effect in the role of music teaching so that students in active learning fun for access to both musical knowledge, can be a rich emotional experience. Keywords: university library management model to people-oriented 2The music lesson “to emotional penetration,” a rich aesthetic experience feelings of students, training students the aesthetic taste, a beautiful sentiment students, improve students personality, to improve the overall quality of students is the core goal of music lessons. Music is through its unique “musical language” to express can not express emotions. However, in the current music teaching, music teaching as intellectual, technical, phenomenon also abound. Some music teachers to introduce students to elaborate on the background music, the authors life, music genre, style, musical form and the musical elements, while ignoring the emotional experience of students. Students in a passive state of depression study, and thus lose interest in learning music, students of music talent, music and personality to be restrained. Therefore, how to enable students to get lessons in singing and emotional experience of music teachers need to think about and discuss issues. 3By studying the lessons, I am singing and teaching in a more emotional experience necessary. Singing is an important part of music teaching, but also an important means for the implementation of quality education. Singing teaching students good moral character and the thoughts and feelings also have an important role. To this end, in teaching must be accurately parse lyrics and understand the emotional lyrics, analyzing song melody, rhythm, master express their feelings measured, there are feelings Fan ready to sing, so emotional visualization. Lesson in the study, the authors seventh book on the “swing” is carried out by the creation of the teaching situation. The creation of situational music teaching and effective means of instruction. “Habitat-based” is based on music style, mood and the specific content of the creation of the appropriate learning environment. Through the context of the creation of a variety of feelings involved in the mobilization of students to learn in order to achieve the immersive effect. Meanwhile, the set can be created throughout the music fit with the atmosphere, the students have a profound psychological and emotional impact. This could help students better perception and understanding of 4music to stimulate students interest and enthusiasm, which received good results. Habitat-based means a lot, you can tell stories, watch the screen, audio-visual information. The author in the creation of a “swing” in situations when the creation of a “Music Hall”, I lead students to play along with the “Music Hall.” And this “Music Hall” is the writer on the blackboard hung in a beautiful manor painting. Screen, not only beautiful scenery, but also hung a swing for children and a variety of fun projects to enable students to feel like being in it. With the situation, how to enable students to get emotional experience that is the lesson to achieve a goal. 1, in the appreciation and listening to music for emotional experience Singing in music class, the first is to enable students through listening to music (listen to recordings, singing teachers, Fan), and listening to music activities, to 5enable students to fully experience the implication in the form of musical sound in the beauty and rich emotions expressed by the music of Sound of Music attracted by the ideal, the intoxicated, have strong emotional resonance with the music art of purification of the mind, refine their sentiments, inspired wisdom, and love-chi complementary role and functions are to function effectively, improve the experience, ability, so that the students listen to and enjoy the the process of music to stimulate students interest, thus resulting emotional demands. Second, singing and teaching activities carried out in the emotional experience Singing, is to develop students ability emotional experience the most favorable way. This is not only because of the use of music, a chance to sing and easy, more importantly, is the student interested in singing, you can afford in the absence of any external circumstances of 6learning. A strong participation of students in mind, you can overcome any difficulties in learning, including emotional experience difficulties, especially the music itself can also directly provoke learning initiative.
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