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第 - 1 - 页 共 6 页 八年级上册 712 单元:重点语法:1 (动词+介词)短语、 (动词+副词)短语2 区分调料名词的可数性及不可数性3how much 与 how many 的用法4祈使句的使用 5 need 的意思以及不用的使用方法 6 here 引导的倒装句的使用 7 一般过去时的构成及其使用 8 there be 句式的过去式 9 born 的用法 10 when 和 while 引导的时间状语从句 11 一般将来时 be going to 的表达式 12 want to be 的使用 13 keep 的用法 14 Could 引导的委婉问句及其答语 15 borrow、 lend、keep 的用法 16 形容词、副词的最高级构成和使用用所给词的适当形式填空 (20 分)1I spent an hour_(make) a bottle of delicious apple milk shake 2Fifteen minutes is enough for you _(cut) up some tomatoes3You need _(add) some red sugar to the soup 4 Would you like some _(butter) on the bread? 5Lets _(make) the milk shake together!6 Lucy often _ (help) me with my English Last night she _ (help) me again 7 The day after tomorrow there _ (be) a meeting in the afternoon 8 My sister wanted _ (find) work in another city 9 How _ (many) yogurt do we need?10 _ (make) dinner is a very interesting thing for me11 _(add) the salt to the noodles, please 12 Look! The boys _ (swim) in the river 13 What time _ you _ (get) home yesterday morning?14 Please come to school a little _ (early) next time 15She wants to join a _(music)group 16 Jordan _ (be) born in 197517He is going to be an engineer when he _(grow) up18Ann runs as_(fast) as Linda 19John is _(tall) in our class20Jim is _(athletic)than his brother 根据首字母及句意在下列各句空白处填上适当单词 (20 分)21 Lucys mother is cooking in the k_ 22Sanya is in Hainan P_ 第 - 2 - 页 共 6 页 23 English people often have tea with s_ and milk in it 24 Im sorry you dont have f_ on your day off 25 Many v_ from different countries come to China every year26Kate h _ out with her friends yesterday 27I must w_ a prize this term28The floor is dirty So s _ it after class 29 Can I use your pen? M_ is at home30 Please take the dirty clothes to the l_ 31 Some women say it is true, but others d_32Theres a very good play this eveningLets go to the t_ together33People are becoming richer and richer and they live an e_ life now34The baby is sleepingTurn off the r_,please35 The park is c_ to the school 36 Its a long d_ from Beijing to Fujian 37 The computer is too expensive I dont have e_ money to buy it 38How old were you when you s_ learning English? 39 Doing chores at home all day is very d_ 40 The boy wants to be a g_ because he likes playing golf very much 根据句意和汉语提示,完成单词拼写:(15 分)41 I like Peoples Theater and I think the seats there are very _(舒服的)?42 There are _(千)of students in our school 43 There are four _(季节)in a year 44 Tom _(遇见) his good friend when he went to school this morning45 _(幸运地) ,we brought our umbrella46 We dont know the _(质量)of the TV set; how can we buy it?47 Jims _(梦想)is to be a famous reporter for magazines 48 Mary got her first _ (兼职的) job when she was in high school49 Nowadays, we can c_(交流) with people around the world by Internet50 I _(忘记)to turn off the TV when I left home51 He _ (不同意)with his parents on most things52 We did a s_ (调查) of what action movies students like watching53 Im glad our meeting is a great_(成功)54 To some men wealth is t he greatest p_(奖励)in life, and to others, is fame(名誉)55 Hotels in Beijing usually _ (降价)their prices in winter选择填空(35 分)56Tom, Its too dark in the classroom Please _the light -OK!A turn on B turn up C turn down D turn off57Look ! The banana is too big Why dont you _first? That sounds a good idea!A cut up it B cut it up C cut up them D cut them up58Tom lives in a place _ Tonghua 第 - 3 - 页 共 6 页 A calling B to call C calls D called59Theres _ beef in the refrigerator Go and buy someA little B a little C few D a few60Heres a recipe _ a great turkey sandwich Aof Bfor Cin Dabout61Without your help,I dont know _ to do it Awhat Bwhich Chow Dwhom62You _ get up so earlyBut you must go to work on timeAneednt to Bdont have to Cmay not Dmustnt63 I need two _A teaspoon of honey B teaspoons of honeys C teaspoons of honey D teaspoon of honeys64 - _
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