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1Information Technology Teaching Practice and Reflections on Moral EducationAbstract: The human into the 21st century, with the continuous development of science and technology, information technology applications in various fields and deepening popular, especially the rapid development of information technology in education today, information technologys role in education and teaching more and more important, which requires a new era of talent must have good information literacy and information ethics. to further strengthen the importance of moral education of students, urgency and reality has been more and more clear. Keywords: set; permeability; strengthened; information technology teaching; Moral Education Information technology classroom has become a new moral education of students in areas of information technology courses in how to penetrate a timely and flexible moral education, and improve the effectiveness of their education has become an important issue, I have a few points below the actual teaching the feelings and experience: First, students build patriotism and national self-2confidence, encouraging students to strive to revitalize national industry Love the motherland and to devote ourselves to establish the ideological education is an important part of secondary education. To promote the spirit of patriotism has always been a tremendous force of historical progress. In the actual education and teaching them, before class, I often collect from the Internet a major domestic and international Current data (text, pictures, videos, etc.), before teaching new courses, the students play or read. motherlands magnificent rivers and mountains, a long history, splendid culture, increasingly powerful national strength and rising international status, inspired the patriotic enthusiasm of the students, mobilized the enthusiasm of the students. In teaching This part of the content, teaching to the students before I played the first “Shenzhou” series of spacecraft launch simulation animation clips, this exciting moment, so that the Chinese are proud of each and enhance national self-confidence of every student heart; wonderful animation, illustrations, scenes, fully mobilize the students to learn animation initiative to stimulate a strong interest and curiosity of students and improve the efficiency of student 3learning, classroom education effect is very significant. Most of the Chinese people produce only low-tech computer peripheral equipment, and market share is very small. In the operating system, China is missing its own operating system, our own operating system, which is still urgently. Meanwhile, I earnestly to mention: almost every Chinese family are abroad used in computer hardware and operating systems. hearts of every student are subject to a strong shock, why not our own Chinese CPU? why not our own Chinese operating system? further distillation of the patriotic feelings of students, teachers seize the opportunity to motivate students to study hard and strong I am Chinese. reposted elsewhere in the paper for free download http:/eng.comSecond, in their daily teaching, the subtle infiltration of moral education Famous educator Tao said: thinking of an action, habit, habit formation quality, quality of destiny. Students in learning good life habits is very important. Information technology in teaching to cultivate good-on habits from the beginning of class on the plane first section, teachers should ask students to do four 4things: fill the machine records; his own file to the teachers in the specified folder; Do not delete the other files; right after school to shut down, gracefully keyboard, mouse, and stools before they can leave. Although these are small things, but let the students really do a good job is not easy. From these little things can students respect for others, attention to detail, work scrupulously good life and study habits. To allow students to sentiment of life, cherish life, cultivating positive emotions, good moral character, improve social responsibility is an important part of moral education. Therefore, teachers in the classroom teaching situation created intentionally, to guide, and gradually infiltrate. For example: When introduced to encourage students to computer hardware and software for the struggling national industry; in learning “Section, I allow students to create e-cards to family and friends to send sincere wishes to guide students to relatives, friends, love needs to rise to more concern for the community to help the people of love, and finally raising it to the right love of country and nation. 5Third, strengthening the professional ethics of teachers and establish a model of moral image of teachers “High school as a teacher, the body is the norm”, short text, where the general style of the teacher as a teacher, not only to refine the business, extensive knowledge, but also must have a noble character, to say the w
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