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The 2nd China Eco The 2nd China Eco-friendly Fabric Design Competition Media Conference (hereinafter referred to as “the competition”) was held in Beijing on June 12, 2017. The competition is sponsored by China National Textile and Apparel Council, and co-organized by China Textile Information Center, National Textiles Development Center, Office for Social Responsibility of CNTAC, and China Eastern Silk Market Management Committee. Launched in 2015, the competition aims to advocate eco-textile design concept, promote market-oriented eco-textile development, and guide the green development of the industry. “The competition requires that the participating enterprises should focus on sustainable development. The products with eco-friendly design will have the least impact on the environment or human from the selection of raw materials to the production, sale, use and disposal. Participating products must conform to one or more standards in terms of eco-friendly materials, eco-friendly technology, as well as eco-friendly dyes and additives. Any product that has passed eco-environmental certification needs to provide testing and certification proof.” Liu Zhaoxiang from National Textiles Development Center introduced at the conference.The first competition enjoyed a perfect start in 2015 when a number of green enterprises and green products of high-end technology stood out in the competition, bringing excellent models in the aspects of product development, manufacturing and management for both Chinese textile in- dustry and Shengze industrial clusters.Shengze has sent an example for the industrial clusters in environmental-protection fabrics and energy conservation and emission reduction. The competition not only promoted the eco-transformation of the textile industry and product structures in Shengze, but also gradually established a resource-saving and environment-friendly textile industry system, leading more industrial clusters to establish a green development concept and implement green development strategy. This year, the competition will return to Shengze once again, together with the support from the local government, expected to enjoy more achievements in guiding and promoting green design, green production, green consumption, upgrading and so on.According to the organizers, the second edition will eventually compete for such individual awards as“The Best Eco-friendly Materials Application Award”,“The Best Eco-friendly Technology Application Award”, and “The Best Eco-friendly Products Market Application Award”. The winning list and awardwinning products will be featured on the www.fabricschina.com.cn and www.wgsn.com. During the Award Ceremony in October, the competition will also take advantage of the Fourth Jiangsu Shengze Textile Expo to launch a series of professional activities, including static show, award-winning products displaying, China Eco-friendly Fabric Creative Development Seminar and business negotiation between garment brands and fabric enterprises, in order to promote the eco-textile innovation and green manufacturing enterprises, while strengthening professional exchanges. It is particularly worth mentioning that there will be a fashion show of the award-winning products from the competition in the following China International Fashion Week in Beijing, so that the audience from all over the world are able to witness the style and strength of the award-winning enterprises in Shengze, as well as its strong innovation capability in fashion, ecology, and technology.
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