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大学英语作文之关于疫情的英语作文:一场疫情I had a cold winter.我过了一个寒冷的冬天。A novel coronavirus pneumonia outbreak in early 2020 broke out in a more cold year. The Spring Festival should be joyful, but it is cold and clear; the streets should be bustling, but there are few people; the heart should be full of expectation, excitement, but full of tension and uneasiness.2020年初,一场名为“新型冠状病毒肺炎”的瘟疫全面爆发了,这使得本就年味缺失的新年,更加冷淡了。本应喜气洋洋的春节,却冷冷清清;本应热热闹闹的大街小巷,却人影寥寥;本应满怀期待,兴奋激动的内心,却充斥着紧张,与不安。My family and I only stayed for a few days. In my hometown, my days were boring. I finished the exercises in several class hours I took from home too early. Theres nothing to do at home except to take care of my grandfather, whos nearly 80 years old. No one came to visit. I often squat in front of the big red gate which was even worse than me in my hometown that year. I look at the road paved with loess with my eyes. I hope to see some familiar figures of people or cars, but I cant see anything. Its empty and lifeless. It looks like Like the dead earth. Sometimes, my eyes will travel to the asphalt street far away. There are only three or two sporadic cars on the street, speeding towards. My heart, can not help but rise a trace of desolation "This coronavirus is so severe?" I couldnt help thinking.我和家人回乡探亲,仅短短留了数日。在老家的日子很无趣,我过早的就写完了从家中带的几本课时练上的习题。在家中除了可以去照料照料年近耄耋的爷爷,也没什么事可干。家中无人来访。我常常好蹲在老家那年纪比我还甚的大红门前,用目光去遥望那沿着一条黄土铺陈的大道,希望能看到几个熟悉人影或车影,但总是,看不到什么,空荡荡的,了无生机,看起来像……像死去的大地。有时,我的目光会游走到更远的柏油大街上,街上只有零星的三、两辆轿车,飞速驰往。我的心,不禁升起了一丝凄凉……“这冠状病毒就这么厉害?”我不由的想到。Its an amazing early time to go home. Maybe its because theres no one at home. Maybe its because of fear I went back to my home in Xingtai. Life is still like before, living regularly and spending most of the time in front of the desk. There is no TV at home, and the computer is also controlled by the parents. In one day, in addition to eating in the living room, other times are accompanied by books in their own house. Oh, theres no possibility of going out to play. Now its almost like going out to eat by yourself. Who knows the name of "coronavirus"?这次回家出奇的早,也许是因为家中无人,也许是因为担心受怕……我回到了邢台的家。生活仍像以前一样,过的很有规律且大部分时间泡在书桌前。家里没有电视,电脑也是由父母掌控的,一天的日子里,除了吃饭在客厅,其他时间都在自己的屋内以书为伴。哦,没有出去玩的可能,现在出去几乎是自找死吃,“冠状病毒”的大名何人不知?Everyone lives like a wild animal trapped in a cage, and the hunter is a "coronavirus".每个人,活的都像一只被困在囚笼的野兽,而猎人是“冠状病毒”。For the first time, I was excited. In the past days, I have never taken online classes. After my father drove me out of the house, he opened the password for me. Im very angry, but I think it will be like this for more than ten days, and my anger is pressed down by me. When I got to the computer, I quickly grabbed the stool, held the mouse, clicked on the browser at an extremely fast speed, and planned to put the web address I remembered on the Internet. However, as soon as I entered the browser, a group of information came from all over the world. Its about this virus. They are full of websites, leaving no space. Im surprised. I never knew that the epidemic was so serious. In fact, Im also an "ancient ape". After all, in the information age, the semi isolation of the Internet and the blind are no doubt fast. Naturally, I dont know much about the epidemic. I stayed in my eyes and stared at the information reports one after another, and then I knew that the number of people suffering from the disease was nearly ten thousand. I cant help but think of the terrible disaster in 2003.第一次上网课,我的心情是激动的。在以往的日子里,我从未上过网课。父亲在将我赶出屋外后,才给我打开了密码。我很是生气,但想想以后还要这么样子过十几天,我的气活生生的被我压了下去。我到了电脑旁,急匆匆的拽开凳子,握紧鼠标,以极快的速度点开浏览器,打算将牢记于心的那串网址打在网上。但是,一刚进浏览器,铺天盖地的来了一群信息,是有关于这次病毒的,它们挤满网站,不留一点空间。我很吃惊,我从不知道,这次的疫情竟如此严重。其实上,我也算是个“古人猿”了,毕竟,在信息时代,网络的半隔绝,和瞎子快无疑了,自然对疫情了解不深。我驻眸凝视,目不暇接的看着一条又一条的信息报告,才知道,现在患病的人数,已经近万了。我不禁想起2003年的那场令人不堪回首的灾难……The torrent of information engulfed me. I was immersed in the whirlpool of Internet for half an hour. I am deeply shocked, not only because of the great harm of coronavirus, which makes me feel creepy, but also because those white "rebels" who take the epidemic situation as their cause stand up for me. They face the difficulties, hand in hand, side by side, with their bodies and hands, and build a strong and solid life line! I want to give them a sentence, which I didnt want to read on the Internet "No one is born to be a hero, but there are always people who make great achievements with ordinary efforts."信息的洪流,将我吞没,我在激荡回旋的网络海洋里,沉浸了半时有余。我深感震撼,不仅是因为“冠状病毒”的危害巨大,令我毛骨悚然,更是因为那些以疫情为令的白衣“逆行者”为我挺身而出,他们迎难而上,手挽手、肩并肩,以肉体,以双手,筑起了一道坚不可摧,固若金汤的生命防线!我想送给他们一句话,一句在网上无意看到的一句话“没有人生来就是英雄,但总有人用平凡的付出成就伟大。”In time span, mind leisurely and return. After writing this composition, I am deeply moved. Although I dont feel the same, I know that I will never be lonely again. Because,
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