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1On the teaching of history and the thinking ability of studentsPeople often say “Learning Histories make men wise.” History teaching is the basis of secondary education, which bears the dissemination of knowledge to students, ideological education, capacity-building of the three major tasks. The face of the emerging world of new technology revolution and the coming of the knowledge revolution Our teaching of history pressing need to develop students ability to attach the subject of strategic importance. I according to the teaching practice, and from the following aspects about the teaching of history in the thinking ability of students to the problem. Engels said: “The peak of a nation want to stand science to theoretical thinking all the time can not.” And the basic form of thinking, creative thinking, a collection of thinking, divergent thinking, logical thinking. A creative thinking ability Creative thinking is “driven by the objective needs to have access to information and knowledge as the basis for comprehensive 2use of various thinking ways to overcome the mindset, after all kinds of information and knowledge with the processing, organization or from selected to solve the problem the best solution, or the system to be integrated, or the use of analogy, intuition, inspiration, and so create a new approach, new concepts, new ideas, making breakthroughs in the understanding and practice of thinking activities. “Research and application of creative thinking, interest in improving student learning and classroom teaching effectiveness, to show students the thinking personality plays an important role. So how to cultivate creative thinking ability of students? 1. Encourage questions, develop ideas, ask questions to guide students to multiple perspectives Albert Einstein said: “ask a question is often more difficult than solving a problem, more important.” Questions that students start thinking activity, is conducive to inspire students to create potential. 2. Converter, active atmosphere, creating awareness and create a favorable environment for activation Students creative ability, can not do without a good 3teaching environment conducive to full play to the students, including the ability to create the physical environment, such as artifacts, illustrations, and other relevant historical materials, and to promote intellectual development of students and create the psychological environment, such as emotion, mood, interest and so on. 3. Abandoning the old Yang new, reform teaching methods to enhance operations and create the practice of education Education is not fixed, but do not choose teaching methods, teaching methods can be created. In teaching, we should strive to break the mindset, which is looking for new ways of thinking and develop students to the initial one of the ways of historical research, and secondly, the use emotional material, exchange point of view of thinking and inspire students to divergent thinking. in teaching practice for teachers to pay attention to the material selection aided instruction to promote students to innovative thinking, once again, to be good at inductive analogy, decomposition portfolio, the implementation of an open lead, motivate students burst of inspiration. In teaching, teachers should use induction, deduction, analogy, 4and other means of logical analysis to help students explore and discover new laws to help students creative thinking and deepening of the active. Second set of thinking ability Collection in the history of thinking ability of students to analyze the study to identify the historical knowledge process by induction, the ability to concentrate. The training is the basis of: (a scene representation method. For young people like to hear stories, full of fantasy features, we select some typical historical stories interspersed with explanations, to guide students to derive conclusions from which can also be used folk songs, poetry and other image material, causing students to the artistic image, and from the perceptual knowledge into the rational knowledge, (2 points of induction. teachers are often in the teaching model, the complex historical content summarized the main points to facilitate students to Gangjumuzhang, master the basics; (3 clue chart method. vertical and horizontal cues and clues to the combination of thematic . history has its inherent laws, historical 5events are closely linked with each other, we ask students to organize the historical development of two-way trail, which is the vertical sum of the same thread of historical events in chronological order, students from well-organized knowledge , find the clues to the basic properties, and thus to grasp the direction of historical development, form a complete concept. Three divergent thinking ability Divergent thinking has profound, broad, flexibility and other characteristics of the teaching can be repeated according to its characteristics of think
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