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1On the teaching of history in how to develop students awareness of the problemAbstract new curriculum, the teaching of history should strive to stimulate and develop student awareness of the problem, and found them good to ask questions, develop into a sense of innovation and scientific spirit of creative talents. This reading materials from the scientific default problem environment, questioning the conclusions materials, create a democratic classroom safety in four areas to talk about teaching to stimulate students awareness of the problem approach. Keywords: the teaching of history, awareness of the problem Awareness of the problem is that people in practice, and cognitive activities have a suspicion, to explore the psychological state of the Harvard motto refers to Bishop Mandell Creightons words: “One of the real purpose of education: people often confusion often asked.” that education should seek to stimulate and develop students awareness of the problem because the “question is the spark,” that is often the harbinger of innovation is one of the steps of scientific inventions, solve problems 2no less significance, but in traditional teaching, teachers are often too early, too directly to the problem presented to students, the lack of a students self-identify problems, ask questions of the process, can not allow students to appreciate the problems of the production process. this misunderstanding, often students awareness of the problem are not very good training, so that perception issue, awareness and ability to ask questions is very low, even no problem equivalent to the successful completion of the learning task in the under the three-dimensional target in the course, requiring students to “master the basic method of learning history. . focus on inquiry learning, discovery issues from different perspectives, and actively explore solutions to the problem.” In the new curriculum teaching, motivate students awareness of the problem becomes the consensus of insight, but in the actual teaching activities, how can we stimulate and develop student awareness of the problem then? colleagues are hard to explore the test, this also the problem, combined with personal teaching practice, to talk about some of the superficial view, like the wing 3colleagues, criticized the correction. 1. Science reading materials, to develop habits of questioning Materials is only one of many teaching resources, but most students most frequently used resources is the core of student resources help to inspire students to read textbooks of cognitive conflict, but the current most students just mechanically look at materials, not a scientific reading materials and study materials used, so the teacher should guide students to read scientific materials so that they are good at reading the questioning, to develop awareness of the problem. Version of the history of the people required a Section for example, teaching materials such as the first sentence of first paragraph: “dating back about 5,000 years ago, with the agricultural and economic development, the Yellow River and Yangtze River The original inhabitants of the valley began to enter the national origin of the early historical period. “, a word related to the short time - about 5,000 years ago, the 4place - the Yellow River, Yangtze River, the characters - the original inhabitants (the end of primitive society implied The information in this transition period, deep mining knowledge to help junior and senior high convergence thing or phenomenon - an early national origin. time, place, characters, events, history is to learn the most basic elements, namely, “what,” asked students to Read the history textbook is to ask “what”, on this basis, to ask “why”, “how.” is also on one, you can ask why the emergence of early states? why it is the country? students to use some of the problems materials can be resolved, but some of the problems students have to find ways to go beyond textbooks, to find more ways to answer this way will not only help consolidate the knowledge base of students, but also help to improve students problem-solving skills to help students awareness of the problem. Of course, the exploration is endless, the question is always endless, the reality of students academic burden on a subject does not allow them too much energy spent on, so to guide them in making a choice among the questions with a choice, according to when course 5requirements, first class according to when the key elements to determine the sequence of problem solving in prep students on the basis of the Section representatives and team leaders to collect, organize the students can not solve the problem, summarize the number of a universal problem and then teachers guide students to read materials with the problem again, so that they pay attention to materi
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