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1On the teaching of history in the conversation FranceAbstract: The talk method is the method commonly used in the teaching of history. Expounded the meaning of the conversation method, characteristics, role, put forward in the history of teaching how to use several methods of teaching the same time, analyzed the process of applying should pay attention to the problem. Keywords: talk; teaching; History A conversation characteristics and the role of law Conversation method is also called Q & A law. It is the teacher based on students existing knowledge and experience, ask questions, inspiring students to actively thinking through the dialogue between students and teachers to guide students to take the initiative to grasp and understand the historical knowledge of teaching methods. Conversation law, the greatest features is that a greater mobilization of students to actively participate in teaching activities, so that teacher-student interaction and echoes together to accomplish the task of teaching. The use of conversation history teaching method, changing only one person endless speaking teachers, and students listened 2in silence this situation, we will strengthen communication between students and teachers, active teaching and learning atmosphere. Especially for students in classroom learning, the conversation has a prominent application of the law to promote the role of: (1) enables students to focus more on learning to fully mobilize the enthusiasm of their learning so that students learn more active. Conversation is often targeted is conducive to maintaining the excitement of the brain in learning centers, eliminating the fatigue of cerebral cortex. (2) to train and improve students thinking skills and language skills. (3) help students understand and master the knowledge. (4) is beneficial to students in ideological education. In short, the conversation history teaching method is to achieve the task, and implement the teaching of history inspired by the principle of an effective way. 2 History Teaching how to use conversation France Conversation method can focus on different teaching purposes, use different teaching stages. In general, history teaching in the use of conversation method, mostly carried out in the following cases: 2.1 for the Review of the old knowledge in order to 3import the new lesson. History classroom teaching, teachers in the teaching of new knowledge before the review have either gone through the questions students have learned the knowledge, to enable students to have learned the knowledge to reproduce, and as a prerequisite for learning new courses, in order to understand the new knowledge to prepare themselves. 2.2 The new knowledge for the teaching process. Talking about the new class, in order to develop students thinking, teachers, some thought-provoking issues that prompted the students to recall previously learned knowledge, to guide students to understand the new courses of knowledge, while strengthening the link between the old and new knowledge. Sometimes, teachers to explain the new knowledge, they can apply new knowledge in conversation method analysis, comparison and guide students to take the initiative to understand new knowledge. Centralized political system, such as speaking in the Qin Dynasty, Qin mentioned at the local level using the system of prefectures and counties, in order to enable students to understand that the system of prefectures and counties is a centralized rule in the local performance could ask students: System and Packet 4of prefectures and counties What system of difference? Students Following the discussion, from the political, economic, military and other aspects of analysis of the system of prefectures and counties, and the different characteristics of packet came to the conclusion of prefectures and counties to strengthen the control of central and local authorities this understanding. 2.3 End of the new knowledge for the teaching of summary concluded. Teachers in specific teaching of new knowledge, the carrying out general introduction of the conclusions can be made in France to carry out conversation. Such as the Taiping Rebellion was finally finished and foreign reactionary forces in the joint after strangling on the historical significance of the Taiping movement to sum up, it can by talking to students to participate in discussion of its historical significance. Teachers can ask questions: Taiping Heavenly Kingdom in the political, economic, and military on the concrete achievements which do? The students answered these achievements, the teacher can further guide students to compare and comprehensive: These concrete achievements in the previous peasant war than in the past, what significantly different and 5prominent development? So that the students should by contacting comparison, the understanding of the nature of the Taiping movement, significance, role, finally understand that the Taiping movement
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