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1PEP 小学五年级英语下册期末综合练习试卷一、单词擂台赛根据图示将单词补充完整。su_mer sl_p bir_day fl_ j_mp二、慧眼识珠从 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳答案,将其标号填入提前括号内。( ) 1. - What is your favourite _?- Spring.A. seasonB. foodC. animal( ) 2. Summer is good, _ fall is my favourite season.A. andB. butC. with( ) 3. Uncle Bills birthday is _ march.A. inB. onC. in( ) 4._ are you doing?A. WhatB. WhichC. When( ) 5 - _ are they?- They are in the woods.A. WhatB. WhereC. When三、情景交际下列情景中该说哪句话,将其序号填入前面的括号内。( ) 1当你想对别人表达生日祝福时,你应说_.Ahappy birthday to you!Bhappy new year!Cthank you!( ) 2你告诉同学你最喜欢夏天是因为你可以_.Ago swimming in the seaBgo for a walk in a parkCswing in a park( ) 3当别人问你的生日是什么时候时,你会说_.AMy birthday is in May.BMy birthday May.CMy birthday may 5th.( ) 4你看到两只猴子在打架时应说_.AThey are fighting.BThe monkeys is fighting.CThe monkey are fighting.( ) 5每天上午 9:30 你和同学们一起在_.Ahave English classBplay sportsCdo morning exercises四、快乐对对碰 2( ) 1. What is your father doing? A. My birthday is in June.( ) 2. Whats your favourite season? B. I often go shopping.( ) 3. When is your birthday? C. Hes writing an e-mail. ( ) 4. When do you play sports? D. I like winter best.( ) 5. What do you do on the weekend? E. I usually play sports at 4:00.五、快乐小神童。看图或根据提示把句子补充完整。六、小小指挥家用所给的单词组成句子,注意大小写及标点符号。 1. do you like spring why2. are the monkeys fighting 3. the like I to in swim sea4. is it cold me too for七、阅读游乐园认真阅读短文,根据图示和短文内容回答下列各题。3Its a sunny day. The students are having a good time. They are going on a field trip. Look! Chen Jie is collecting leaves. Zhang Peng and John are playing chess under a big tree. Mike is reading a newspaper. Sarah is watching insects. Wu Yifan is drawing pictures of the ants. 1 What is Chen Jie doing? 2 What are Zhang Peng and John doing? 3 What is Mike doing? 4 What is Sarah doing? 5 What is Wu Yifan doing? 八、Read and answer 阅读短文判断正(T)误(F) 。Its a sunny day. The students are having a good time. They are going on a field trip. Look! Chen Jie is collecting leaves. Zhang Peng and John are playing chess under a big tree. Mike is reading a newspaper. Sarah is watching insects. Wu Yifan is drawing pictures of the ants.1. Zhang Peng and John are playing chess in a big tree. ( )2. Sarah is watching insects. ( )3. The students going on a field trip. ( )4. Mike is collecting leaves. ( )5. Its a rainy day. ( )九、请选择合适的句子补全对话,注意句子的书写规则。A. Can I speak to him, please? B. Whos that?4C. What about your dad? D. What are you doing?E. Hows everybody doing?Mike: Hello!Larry: Hello! This is Uncle Larry. Mike: Just fine. Grandpa is writing a letter in the study. Mom is cooking dinner in the kitchen. I am cleaning the room.Larry: Mike: Hes reading a book in the living room.Larry: Mike: Sure. Hold on, please. Dad, there is a call for you.Dad: Im coming. Mike: Uncle Larry.Dad: Thank you, dear. Hi, Larry! Larry: Im writing an e-mail for you. I just want to tell you this.十、请将下列句子重新组成一段对话。( )Im listening to music.( 1 )Hello. Can I speak to Amy?( )Hi, John! This is Amy. What are you doing?( )Do you want to go shopping?( )I am drawing pictures. What about you?( )Sure.十一、请将下列英语句子翻译成汉语。1. The weather report says its going to rain tomorrow.2. How many holidays are there in the U.S.?3. That elephant is drinking water with its trunk.4. Hes writing an e-mail in the study?55. Are you eating lunch? No, we arent.十二、请判断每组划线部分发音是“”否“”一致。1. try yes fly ( ) 2. class car park ( )3. slow sleep small ( ) 4. goose cool school ( )5. dear bear pear ( )十三、请按要求写单词。1.September(缩写形式) 2.mother(口语形式) 3.run(ing 形式) 4.over there(译成汉语) 5.leaf(复数形式) 5、butterflies( 单数形式) 十四、选出与众不同的一项。( )1. A often B usually C noon( )2. A spring B fall C skate( )3. A honey B kangaroo C butterflies( )4. A swing B climber C write ( )5. A third B fourth C eight十五、选择合适的疑问词写在横线上。When What Where Why Which1. - is Zhang Peng?- Hes in the woods.2. - is your birthday?- My birthday is June 9th.3. - season do you like best?- I like winter best.4. - do you like summer?- Because I can swim in the lake.5. - is John doing?6- Hes playing chess.十六、选择( ) 1. Grandma wont able to see the card.A. be B. is C. are( ) 2. They are go
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