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1On the teaching of language teaching in a pleasantIn language teaching, many teachers are faced with many puzzles, such as: language, accumulation, students can recite famous phrases, but when combined with the meaning of fill in the blank, but I do not know Nayi Ju, Fang Xie sentence, write a thousand words result digress Miles , Education is not fixed, the idea of ?everyone Shulan in the chest, but if you want to have good teaching, then, from the emotions into the class, that is a pleasant teaching, they will do something twice the effect. Thousands of years ago, begins teaching there is a pleasant understanding of Confucius: when learning of the school, not have pleasure and delight?. Uncover the learning process itself, should be fun and allow students to gain a feeling meet Confucius has been recognized when the learners interests and hobbies of learning have different degrees of impact, and music school as the highest state of scholarship. Those who know better than the good, 2good of the person not the music are. In fact, the disciples of Confucius Yen-Yuan is typical for the music to learn Confucius praised his Xian Zai, back also! a basket for cooked food, poured drinks, in the alley, people bear their shape, does not change its music. and I think the students enjoy learning with Confucius Confuciuss music teacher to teach a direct link, the so-called insatiable in learning, indefatigable. The disciple Yan Yuan had Kuiran sigh, saying: Master patience people, I should like to Bo about I with propriety, let them go. clarifies Music Education major impact on the music school. Xunzi said: When a man deep into his music, and its technology is also fast. He believes that the spirit of music has inspired people, probation, education, human power. Mencius was the world of excellence and education as one of lifes three movements, and great attention to music education to attract students enjoy learning: Master Branch also established, to those who do not chase, generosity. Are Confucius is happy teaching ideas in 3depth, especially as the worlds first education works a deeper, more specifically reveals a pleasant teaching ideas. Road Erfu pull it and, strong Erfu suppression is easy, open and Fuda is thinking. easy to think, can be described as good metaphor carry on. . one of the and refers to a harmonious teacher-student relationship, properly handle contradictions of teaching and learning, teachers must guide rather than holding students in the nose, the easy is a relaxed and happy to learn that students, teachers, demanding, not pressure, as students will not learn as a dangerous road, thinking means thinking of learning activities, teachers not only to open a clue come clean, allow students to think independently, be considered good at this induction, to heuristic teaching requirements. The view shows the pre-Qin writings on education and teaching has been recognized happy, and to lead to music school to teach music, a harmonious relationship between teachers and students as an example to future generations. So, in todays language classroom, the implementation of happy teaching of particular importance. 4Then talk about the implementation of specific measures to happy teaching: (One to create a pleasant learning environment for students. Environment for students of education can not be ignored the role of personality development of young people have a subtle influence. Moral character of young people, behaviors are formed in different environments, schools, classes, according to the aims of education, there are plans to select, process and setting a beautiful environment, which is not only a sign of spiritual civilization, but also a direct impact on teachers and students of psychology and teaching order. beautiful environment so that students feel happy and refreshed, willing to learn, happy to help teaching carried out smoothly. Teachers should fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the students, so they all are green, landscaping, a force to optimize the campus, the school arranged a clean, fresh, beautiful park, so that each person into the campus was pleasant, arranged into a classroom to motivate students to 5exert themselves in the environment, so exposure to one of the students feel relaxed and happy. (B to establish a democratic, equal, friendly teacher-student relationship. Emphasis on teaching is happy teaching students perform side by side, students are faced with common goals and tasks of teaching, only the two sides work together, mutual understanding, mutual respect, close cooperation, both sides in order to fully mobilize the enthusiasm up. To establish a good teacher-student relationship, with feelings of tendency, the students will voluntarily accept the education and willing to ask, happy teaching can proceed smoothly. Han Yu, he said: pro-teacher in order to believe them
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