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客 户 名 称 ( Customer) : _规 格 承 认 书 SPECIFICATION FOR APPROVALMONTH / DAY / YEAR ISSUED01 / 23 / 07 发行贵公司部品名称: 敝公司部品名称:小龟直按 轻 触 开关 PART NAME SUPPLIERS PART NAME 贵公司部品型号: 敝公司部品型号:TVAU07 PART NUMBER SUPPLIERS PART NUMBER 接 受 印 兹证明此份材料已经收到。ACKNOWLEDGEMENT WE ACKNOWLEOGE RECEIVING THIS DOCUMENT . MONTH / DAY / YEARDATE: / /G MGR LEADER CHECKED SIGNED相关规格,规格书 / SPECIFICATION CHECKED SIGNED 主 要 技 术 规 格 : 1.额 定 值 : 0.5A DC12V 2.接 触 电 阻 : 0.1 3.绝 缘 电 阻 : 10M4.耐 压 : 250V AC/1MIN 5.操 作 力 : 16030g.f/25040g.f 6.行 程 : 0.20m0.1m 7.寿 命 : 10,0 Cycles电 路 图 HolesPCB.焊 接 及 开 孔 尺 寸 图 小 龟 直 按 (带 柱 )TVAU07m第 一 视 角 Z0.角 度0.56一 般 公 差单 位 名 称 :型 号 :重 量比 例日 期更 改 文 件 号 签 名处 数标 记 设 计批 准审 核TACT SWITCH SPECIFICATION(轻触开关说明书)1.General specification 基本说明1.1 Scope 范围 This specification covers the requirements for single key switches which have no keytop(TACT SWITCHES:MECHANICAL CONTACT).此规范含盖单推柄和无推柄的轻触开关要求1.2 Operating Temperature Range 使用温度范围-20 to70(normal humidity, normal press.) 正常湿度,标准压力1.3 Storage Temperature Range 保存温度范围-30 to80(normal humidity, normal press.)1.4 Test Conditions 测试条件Tests and measurements shall be made in the following standard clnditions unless otherwise specified: 测试和计量按下列标准条件除非特殊说明Normal temperature (temperature 5 to 35) 标准温度Normal humidity (relative humidity 45 to85%) 正常湿气Normal pressure (pressure 860 to 1060 mbars) 标准压力In case any question arises from the judgement made, tests shall be conducted in the following conditions: Temperature (202) 温度Relative humidity (655%) 相对湿度Pressure (860 to 1060 mbars) 压力2.APPEARNCE, STYLE, AND DIMENSIONS 外形,类型和尺寸2.1 Appearance 外形There shall be no defects that affect the serviceability of the product.外形必须无缺陷才不影响产品适用性2.2 Style and Dimensions 类型和尺寸Shall conform to the assembly drawings.符合装配图3.TYPE OF ACTUATION 动作类型Tactile feedback 轻触返回4.CONTACT ARRANGEMENT 1 poles 1 throws 接触形式 1 接点 1 回路(Details of contact arrangement are given in the assembly drawings.)细接点形式在装配图中5.MAXIMUM RATINGS DC 12 V 50 mA 最大额定值APPD CHKD DSGD PART NO:ZONE SYMB DATE APPD CHKD DSGDDOCUMENT NO:SPECTSZ.DOC 1/10工 程 部赵 高 杰05.11.10研 發 部吴 公 元05.11.10研 發 部周 成 艮05.11.10TACTING SWITCH SPECIFICATION6.PERFORMANCE 性能6.1 Electrical 电气Item 项目 Test Condition 测试条件 Requirements 要求6.1.1.Contact Resistance接触电阻Applying astatic load twice the actuating force to the center of the stem,measurements shall be made with a 1 kHz small-current contact resistance meter.用两倍的动作力作静负载施加于按钮的中心,并用 1 千赫小电流接触电阻仪测量100 m ohm max.6.1.2.Insulation Resistance绝缘电阻Measurements shall be made following application of DC100V potintial across terminals and across terminals and frame for one minute.在端子与端子之间,端子与外壳之间施加 DC100V,一分钟100 M ohm min.6.1.3.Dielectric witstanding voltage电气耐压AC250V(50Hz or60Hz) shall be applied across terminals and across terminals and frame for one minute. 在端子与端子之间,端子与外壳之间施加AC250V(50HZ-60HZ)There shall be no breakdown.没有击穿6.1.4.Bounce抖动Lightly striking the center of the stem at a rate encountered in normal use (3 to 4 operations per sec.),Bounce shall be tested at “ON”and “OFF”. 在正常使用中(以每秒 3-4 次周期)轻轻地在手柄中心加力,在通与断瞬间测试抖动 ONFSwitch5vkom5 m sec max.APPD CHKD DSGD PART NO:ZONE SYMB DATE APPD CHKD DSGDDOCUMENT NO:SPECTSZ.DOC 2/10工 程 部赵 高 杰05.11.10研 發 部吴 公 元05.11.10研 發 部周 成 艮05.11.10TACTING SWITCH SPECIFICATION6.2Mechanical 机械特性Item 项目 Test Condition 试验条件 Requirements 规 格6.2.1.Actuating Force动作力Placing the switch such that the direction of switch operation is vertical and then gradually increasing the load applied to the center of the stem, the maximum load required for the stem to come to a stop shall be measured.开关的动作方向为垂直放置开关向推柄中心逐渐地增加负荷直到推柄停止时所测量的最大负荷160 30 gf 250 50 gf6.2.2.Travel行程Placing the switch such that the direction of switch operation is vertical and then applying a static load twice the actuating force to the center of the stem,the travel distance for the stem to come to a stop shall be measured. 开关的动作方向为垂直放置开关,并以双倍动作力的静负荷作用推柄中心,测量推柄从开始到停止的行程距离0.20 0.1mm6.2.3.Return Force返回力The sample switch is installed such that the direction of switch operation is vertical and,upon depression of the stem in its center the whole travel distance ,the force of the stem to return to its free position shall be measured. 开关的动作方向为垂直放置开关,在已有行程的推柄中心向上减小压力,推柄回到自由位置时所测量到的力45 gf min6.2.4.Stop Strength静止强度Placing the switch such that the direction of switch operation is vertical,a static load of 3 kgf shall be applied in the direction of stem operation for a period of 60 seconds. 开关的动作方向为垂直放置开关 ,在推柄动作方向施加 3KG 的静负荷,60 秒时间There shall be no sign of damage mechanically and electrically.无机械的和电气的损伤迹象6.2.5.Stem Strength推柄的强度Placing the switch such that the direction of switch operat
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