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1On the teaching of language teaching in the personalityToday in the new century, education, language teaching and learning more flexible, close to the students, especially after the new curriculum, teaching materials and methods and change the past, and there are many different and have different students different, from which also reflects the out individual differences. The following is my personal teaching of language teaching experience that experience. First, with independent teaching personality I think the teachers personality conducive to creating the art of language teaching the teacher personality, only the art of language teaching. A strong sense of individuality, personality education initiative obviously, the more effective for language teaching and guidance. Similarly, the individual consciousness, the more strong, innovative teaching the more intense, more language teaching can be creatively applied art of being. independent personality, is the prerequisite for the implementation of language teaching personality. 2Second, the design unique, personalized teaching ideas Ideas should be innovative, extraordinary, it is necessary ingenuity, eclectic design teaching ideas, first to have forward-thinking, as much as possible to break the original classroom teaching, with new meaning. Forget about teaching reference, from the shackles of famous celebrities, with their own personality to the interpretation of individual works, but also with their own personality and teaching organization and teaching of the re-creation. Second, identify the teaching of “breakthrough.” teachers how to develop the students personality is the idea of teaching a “breakthrough.” personality differences and individual development are requiring teachers to individualized, targeted, creative way to promote the “personality of the individual,” the all-round development and make it a good personality. the idea of teaching is the classroom to the students, for students to say the words of individuality , that freedom, about the real thing, so that classroom full of students personality dynamic. personalized teaching ideas, not rigidly adhere to one of the words of the line, but in respect for the law of education on the development of 100 3long. Simply put, allow students to freely express and truthful description of self-personality, to create a good classroom environment. Third, the search for unique personalized teaching art The art of teaching is not to teach, but to inspire, inspire, and guide. The teachers role is not to “teach”, but rather to guide students to “learn.” Personalized language teaching art, must have a humorous side. Easy to teaching, humor, inspiration, communication between teachers and students to the emotional, the creation of teaching fun and atmosphere, resulting in humorous without losing the part, no lack of inspiration in the joy of teaching effectiveness. personalized language teaching art, must have a vivid, exciting description of the other side. into the details of the picture and win the ideological realm of the extraordinary complement, will introduce students to the realm of beauty among the materials to guide students in the appreciation of the work, think, experience of being integrated into the understanding of students personality, which will be fun teaching the students the emotional climax, so as to create 4the classroom atmosphere “enjoyable.” Personalized language teaching art, teaching to “transport the intelligence, the camera-induced, realized vivid development of the personality.” Intelligence is the use of teachers to develop students intelligence, personality to personality development, to enhance the emotional feelings, in order to fully develop their thinking and personality. Fourth, create unique personalized teaching style Teaching personality, reflected in language teaching, is the original teaching methods and unique teaching methods of integration, the formation of individual teachers to meet the actual teaching style to students in teaching character education to generate the maximum effect. Share for free download http:/eng.comFirst, open the language classroom is a concrete manifestation of creative teaching style. open teaching, teachers and students to promote bilateral exchanges, as well as life and life communication, so that students in multi- kinds of ideas and views of the collision, the triggered spark ideas, resulting in the greatest interest 5in learning the same time, emphasis on cultivating students critical analysis ability, not superstition, authority, courage to evaluate others and ourselves, the courage to express different opinions, personality and the development of independent innovation ability. Second, the openness of language teaching to develop language teaching space, a second classroom language learning, teachers should establish a “successfully implemented in the curricular, the gain in extra-curricular”
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