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1On the technical schools under the new situation of language teachingPaper Keywords: New craft education reform language teaching Abstract: Chinas successful accession to the WTO in the changing employment mechanism and enterprises today, craft education in the development of language teaching position and how? On this issue separately from the teaching content, teaching methods and assessment methods, a useful exploration I believe there will be new discoveries and harvest. As China joined the WTO, domestic enterprises ushered in new opportunities and challenges. That the corporate responsibility of the craft workers in transportation technology education, but also the concept of education, curriculum, teaching models and teaching methods and other aspects of the corresponding changes . Technical school language teaching situation and Reasons Technical school language teaching and research, has been accompanied by changes in technical schools and developing. Throughout the history of language teaching, 2technical schools, technical schools are able to conscientiously implement the spirit of the syllabus, not only strictly according to plan the organization of teaching, assessment, but also according to schools, the different characteristics of the professional to carry out the contents of a great variety of teaching activities. Language is also very active in the second classroom activities. However, in recent years, with the market economy and the enterprise employment system of continuous improvement, technical language teaching has emerged the trend of decline, especially in high-tech companies continue to be applied to the production of the first line of today, some schools and cultural courses and specialized courses in the adjustment of proportion, any compressed language lessons. The original two semesters of 160 hours of language classes is reduced to only one semester less than 100 hours. that many language teachers for many years hard work, but also fall into a deep confusion - but also not to craft the language of education in the end? technical school language exactly what should be taught? What causes the current technical school language lessons helplessness and embarrassment. Be traced (1 3technical schools teaching the general idea of development does not change with the times to make fundamental adjustments, running a school, school system and market economy has a large gap between the objective convergence with the labor market is also not close. (2) the technical school curriculum, teaching content, teaching methods and assessment methods used basically a set of old, far can not meet the new situation the quality of workers under the social development of the structure of requirements. (3) does not pay attention to the consolidation of student cultural foundation, ignored improving the overall quality of students, professional skills training solely for the purpose of “practical” education in craft education in the dominant. For these reasons reflected in the technical school is easy on the language so that people fall into the new situation craft education in language teaching two “errors.” First, education in the craft, too much emphasis on “heavy courses, light cultural studies”, “the skills operation, light humanities education “, causing many technical school graduates. In to participate 4in the quality of work as morality is not high, lack of cultural theory of knowledge, poor job transfer easy primary operator. Second, the blind and simply craft education in the Language teaching is equivalent to an ordinary secondary school language teaching, but they ignore the new situation craft education implied in the language teaching tool, thinking, aesthetic taste and social practicality. weakening the mechanics of language teaching in the important role of education. Established language classes in the status of craft education in how to transfer a large number of enterprises operating ability, and overall quality of high-skilled workers? Which is placed in front of educators in the craft very serious and can not be ignored between the problems, also related to the technical schools in Under the new situation, the survival and development event. we all know, the mechanics education, language teaching and professional and technical education is a mutual restraint, mutually reinforcing. learn the language on the applicability of comprehensive development of training technical personnel play an important role. Therefore, I believe , technical 5schools do a good job and skills training of professional settings, while language classes need to re-establish the status of education in the craft. First, the nature of language lessons from the point of view, the so-called language, which is “language” (language of the tool) and “text” (Literature Humanities) and the organic unity. Therefore, language teaching is to foster creative use of language students tool capabilitie
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