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PEP 小学英语 Book6 Unit5 Lets Talk 说课稿 船营区越北镇中心校 马艳茹Ladies and Gentlemen. Its my great pleasure to be here sharing my lesson with you. The content of my lesson is PEP PRIMARY ENGLISH Book6 Unit5 A Lets talk. First of all , please let me talk about the teaching material.一、The teaching material:The key points of the unit are about inquiring and answering what the animals are doing in English. The main sentence patterns are “What is she/it doing? She/Its What are they /the tigers doing? They are” The difficult points of the unit are “Read and write and Lets learn the part of A and B.” The names of the animals and the verbs in the unit appeared in StudentsBook5. The key points of Unit4 and Unit6 of this book are the present continuous tense, too.” The study of this lesson helps the Ss further consolidate the knowledge of the present continuous tense and will help the Ss with daily communication.Therefore, on studying the teaching material and analyzing the regulation of childrens growing of mind, I put forward the teaching objectives according to English syllabus and new lesson standard.The teaching objectives:1.Perception objective :a) The Ss can hear, read and use the main sentence patterns “What is she/it doing?She/Its running/”b) The Ss can understand and read the conversation of the lesson.2. Ability objective:a) The Ss can use the sentence patterns of inquiring the animals and futher develop their language ability of the present continuous tense.b) The Ss can use the sentence patterns to express their thoughts in the proper scene.3 Emotion objective:a) By completing the task, the Ss increase their interest and set up self-confidence in the language study.b) Teach the Ss to love and protect the animals, put the moral education in the language study.Next, the key points of this lesson:To study and use the sentence patterns “What is she/it doing? She/Its running/”Difficult points:To use the sentence patterns in the proper scene. 二、说教法为了更好的完成本课教学任务,针对五年级学生的身心特征,结合学生的认知水平,以及本课的教学内容,我主要采用如下教学方法:1.情境教学法通过情境让学生体验语言, 激发学生学习英语的兴趣,增强学习的信心,培养语言交际能力。2.直观教学法借助图片让学生更直观地认知语言的应用,更有益于帮助学生对本课重点句型的理解,记忆以及应用。3.激趣法采用听听,唱唱,做做,比赛,游戏等活动形式,充分调动学生学习英语的积极性。做到 “以学生为本”,使他们变被动接受学习为主动愉快地学习。4.鼓励法课堂评价以鼓励评价为主,体现公平公正的原则,激励学生自主学习。三、说学法为了更好地激励学生自主学习和自主交流,本课学法主要采用小组合作学习法。四、说教学过程整个教学程序我采用听、说、玩、演、唱一系列的教学活动,具体活动为 :热身 新课呈现 趣味操练巩固延伸四个步骤。1热身(1)教师播放歌曲 “What Are You Doing?” 的录音,学生一起进行表演唱。(2)教师播放 “Koalas Are Sleeping”的录音,学生听录音,边做动作边有节奏地说唱。(3)教师发指令,如 “The bird is flying. The rabbit is jumping.” 学生边跟说边做动作。(设计意图:使学生听着有节奏欢快的音乐,做着自编的动作,这样既能集中学生注意力,又能复习旧知。在这种氛围感染下把轻松与愉快带给课堂。)2新课呈现(1)让学生看本单元主情景图,3 分钟后合上课本,教师提问,如 “How many birds can you see?” 学生抢答。再让学生翻开主情景图,教师提问,如“Can you see the rabbit?What is it doing?” 引导学生回答“Its jumping.”(设计意图:借助主情景图使学生直观地感受各种动物可爱的动态,使学生萌发对小动物的喜爱之情,随机对学生进行情感教育。同时借助图片进行问答,有助于学生对本课重点句型的理解,记忆以及应用。)(2)学生两人一组根据主情景图的内容进行问答,建议学生不看书,凭记忆问答,增强活动的趣味性。(3)教师播放 “Lets talk” 部分内容的录音,学生听录音,说句子,教师板书。然后师生一起打开书核对板书内容。(设计意图:训练学生听力,增强学习信心。)(4) 教师再次播放“Lets talk” 部分内容的录音,学生边看书边跟读。要求学生注意模仿句子的语音、语调。3趣味操练(1)大小声游戏利用大小声游戏训练“Lets talk”部分内容的重点句型。(设计意图: 以游戏的形式寓教于乐,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,集中学生的注意力,这样既能突出教学重点,又能避免乏味的复述。)(2)夺星星活动学生两人一组演练“Lets talk”部分内容的对话,然后进行表演赛。能自由表演这组对话的学生获得两颗星星,能流利朗读的获得一颗星星。(设计意图:小学生具有好学,好胜的心理特征。合理的激励机制可以把学生外在的兴趣转变为内在的动力。激励学生自主学习。培养学生语言交际能力。)(3)说一说,做一做活动全班分成六个小组,小组内分成两部分,一部分学生扮演不同的小动物表演不同的动作,另一部分学生针对动作进行问答。两部分轮流转换角色。然后课堂展示。(设计意图:通过小组合作学习,弘扬学生在学习中的主体性,发挥主体活动能力。利用几分钟时间,让每个学生充分开口练习。从而突破教学难点,培养学生自主学习的能力和合作精神。)4巩固延伸(1)总结本课师生一起总结本课的学习内容,教师擦去黑板上的重点句型指生板书,师生一起校正。(设计意图:进一步突出教学重点,加深学生的印象。)(2)家庭作业要求学生仿写 “Lets talk” 部分的内容,下节课展示仿写内容。板书设计Unit5 A Lets talkChen: I can see the mother elephant.Amy: What is she doing?Chen: Shes walking. (简笔画行走的大象) Amy: What about the baby elephant?What is it doing?Chen: Its running.(简笔画奔跑的小象 )(设计意图:形象直观,重点突出。易懂,易记。)
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