外贸信函之:如何催款(催款函文实用范本)外贸的大部分工作都是通过电子邮件来完成的。因为,做外贸应该掌握各种外贸函电的书写格式和要点。一般的客户开发邮件、客户维护邮件我们见得比较多,也很熟悉了。今天特意找了一篇催款函文范文。虽然此类函电不常用,但是也有必要了解,最好掌握。催款,有一点全世界都通用,那就是得客气。外贸催款函电也属于外贸商务书信范畴,因此,也应当遵守外贸商务信函的一般规则,那就是间明扼要。不能拖泥带水,一是节省双方时间,二是以求把主题表达明确。如果太过啰嗦,则有可能出现说多错多。(1)subject demanding overdue paymentdear sirs,ac no.8756as you are usually very prompt in settling your acs, we wonder whether there is any special reason why we have not received payment of the above ac, already a month overdue.we think you may not have received the statement of ac we sent you on 30th august showing the balance of us$ 80,000 you owe. we send you a copy and hope it may have your early attention.yours faithfully,xxx催款函主题:索取逾期账款亲爱的先生:第 8756 号账单鉴于贵方总是及时结清项目,而此次逾期一个月仍未收到贵方上述账目的欠款,我们想知道是否有何特殊原因。我们猜想贵方可能未及时收到我们 8 月 30 日发出的 80,000 美元欠款的账单。现寄出一份,并希望贵方及早处理。你真诚的 xxx(2 )subject urging paymentdear sirs,ac no.8756not having received any reply to our e-mail of september 8 requesting settlement of the above ac, we are writing again to remind you that the amount still owing is us$ 80,000. no doubt there is some special reason for delay in payment and we should welcome an explanation and also your remittance,yours faithfully,xxx催款函主题:再次索取欠款原文来自 必克英语 http:/bbs.spiiker.com/topic-3050.html
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