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1On the transformation of curriculum resources concept of utilizing the physical teaching resourcesThesis Keywords: curriculum resources development and utilization to improve teaching effectiveness Abstract: This article described the new curriculum under the concept of curriculum resources concept basis, with emphasis on the three aspects of resource development and utilization. First, it emphasizes more the design of effective student activities in the classroom, play student activities, curriculum resources, the second is emphasis on multi-design class experiments, and tap class experiment curriculum resources function is to emphasize the wake of students daily life experiences to play the function of curriculum resources for students life experiences. some specific teaching cases, description of the development and utilization of these resources improve the effectiveness of teaching. The new curriculum reform is an irreversible trend forward steadily. As a living in the reform of the mountains in the hinterland teachers, how to participate in 2this reform? I think that should change some of the original ideas, establish new curriculum ideas and effort to incorporate these ideas into their daily teaching behavior following the new curriculum ideas under the teaching resources, and talk about their own shallow understanding and practical experience. First, establish the concept of curriculum resources under the new curriculum ideas In the past, people often curriculum resources simply understood as textbooks, laboratory equipment, wall charts and other new courses under the concept of curriculum resources, curriculum resources from the broad sense, the process of curriculum design, curriculum implementation and curriculum evaluation, you can use the sum of all the human, material and natural resources. In a narrow sense, curriculum resources refers to the direct source of the formation courses, which include: various forms of textbooks, teachers, books, technology books, audiovisual materials, computer educational software, laboratory room, and outside the factories, rural areas, research institutes, science and technology museum, broadcast television. 3The teachers are the implementers of the curriculum plan, course one of the resources is also a course an important part of teachers and students are important in everyday teaching, teachers should enhance the awareness of curriculum resources development and application of flexible use of a variety of teaching resources to the implementation of classroom teaching, play a variety of teaching resources should be to promote teaching to maximize the effect. Second, the clever design class activities, play activities resources function In the classroom, teachers should focus on the development of teacher-student dialogue and student activities, curriculum resources, proper development of such resources with ease, will be teaching this lesson to have a positive impact. For example, in the teaching of this class of “stress and pressure, if a teacher is simply in accordance with the teaching materials to explain their teaching effectiveness will be very difficult to guarantee. But 4according to the teaching content, the design of small game, not only to stimulate students curiosity, but also the process of game resources to carry out effective teaching. Teaching Case: “The pressure and the pressure of teaching Teacher: We have a game, who are willing to participate? (Asked to participate in a lot of students raised their hands, but the teacher has picked out a tall and mighty boys, a petite girl, the purpose is to give students the formation of a force between the feeling of our game with a nail, drill wood, wood to drill through the first winner! Teacher: (to boys that you will be the winner you? Boys: (triumphantly course! Teacher: (girls that have the confidence? Female student shook his head. (The teacher asked the students to female students refueling Teacher: (wood and nails to them) students, you as the referee. I said: “One, two, three” start. (3 minutes after Girls: (pleased to call to drill through the (to the students and teachers, the boys sweating, still drill, the students began to talk, doubts 5Division: Results of the competition out! Asked the two students to the boards for everyone to take a closer look at (the same thickness, respectively, and then nail you look at the (original boy with nails blunt very, girls use more sharp nails Teacher: Why do girls become a winner? The purpose of this game, in fact, see who forced the effect is large, that is, whoever drilled the wood. Division: the results of the competition explain what? The effect of a force may be related to what factors? (Students to discuss Suddenly, the pressure of the establishment of the concept of the effect produced by the students on the pressure with which factors had a strong thirst for knowledge. Is a natural thing, and classroom
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