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1On the understanding on some of the elementary school mathematics classroomPaper to write network: Abstract: Classroom teaching is the main part of the teaching and learning activities, how to give full play to the role of classroom teaching, to create effective classroom is the topic of scrutiny and exchange. I am inspired by some excellent teaching cases, want to talk about a Tan Some understanding of the mathematics classroom, hoping to communicate with the majority of my colleagues. Using questions to stimulate students enthusiasm, contact real life, to stimulate students intellectual curiosity; focus on Learning Ways, for students to learn how to learn, to carry out group learning to enable students to improve cooperation. Keywords: tilt slack Q - Writing Learning Ways Classroom teaching is the main part of the teaching and learning activities, how to give full play to the role of classroom teaching, to create effective classroom, the topic is worthy of our scrutiny and exchange. Inspired by some excellent teaching cases, and would like to talk about a few of their mathematics classroom understanding, hope to 2communicate with the majority of my colleagues. Using questions to stimulate students enthusiasm Observe numerous times in my teaching career in classroom teaching, and reviewed the classroom questioning the link is not difficult to find: experience the joy of success has become almost a responsive, outstanding patent, immature thinking and slow response receive will always be “You Think”, “how do you even this will not, and some even left out all year round, especially in the open class, such as quality class selection, this” tilt “is even more obvious The result is more and more “slack” in the classroom, teaching will become a minority in the classroom., classroom questions to pay attention to comprehensive, teachers have to respect each student, encouraging students to speak their different opinion, so that all students have a successful experience. First, have a hierarchy in the design of the problem, so those slow response also have the opportunity to hop hop peaches Furthermore, can be designed in the form of questions, such as the students through the writing in the form of answering questions is to allow all students to answer the 3problem posed by the teacher, and quickly write their own answers. Second, contact your real life, stimulate students curiosity Mathematics from life, life is full of mathematics. Therefore, we want to mathematics and student life is actually linked to mathematics to daily life so that students feel life is full of mathematics, to learn, natural, cordial, true. Such as the double-digit plus the fragments of a number of teaching: Division: children have been to the supermarket bought something? Buy what? Said shopping. Teacher: Today, teachers bring their children to the supermarket to go shopping (projector to show pictures: Water color pen: 8 cups: Toy plane: 27 yuan stationery: Football: $ 40 cloth doll: Please choose your favorite two goods, calculate buy them you have to spend much money, and be shown. Share Free paper Download Center http:/eng.comfragment from close to the students living “grocery 4shopping” to start to link mathematical problems, so that students interested in easy to accept, is naturally integrated into a mathematical context. Third, focus on Learning, students learn how to learn Einstein once said: “Behind all means, if the spirit of a vibrant, they end up is a clumsy tool.” Students in learning activities in mathematics spirit, the mathematical way of thinking, research methods, reasoning methods engraved in mind, will make the benefit for life. Teaching students hands-on. Look at a teaching fragment: Division: children to the field of fall camp, with three boxes of mineral water, a box containing eight bottles, back when the rest of a box, in addition to seven bottles. Kids the math: the rest of the mineral water with a few bottle? You use a stick instead of mineral water a head count. Health: I have a bottle a bottle to the number of . a total of 15 bottles. 5Health: 4 bottles plus 4 bottles plus 7 bottles, a total of 15 bottles. 3: acquire two bottles and eight bottles together is 10 bottles, 10 bottles and five bottles together 15 bottles. Teacher: Which children number has the fastest? Why does he count so fast? Which method? Teachers in this fragment does not directly tell the students to algorithm, but with the actual problem, so that the count method explicitly considered reasonable comparison algorithm then concluded. In this way, students learn to the actual hands-on learning. (2) teaching students questioned. And the courage to be good to ask questions is put into learning the premise of, dare doubt Scienscope there ever was a mathematics teacher, requiring students to a week to ask two questions to the office to ask the teacher, a time of great promise office packed
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