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1On the vocational school physics experiment teaching reformAbstract: Physical education must be based on experimental basis experiment in physics teaching occupies a pivotal position. In todays vocational schools teaching in the physical experiment, experiment is still the weak link. This paper analyzes the status of vocational school physics experiment teaching based on the elaborated to promote the reform of physics experiment teaching several supporting measures. Keywords: vocational schools; physics experiment teaching; the status quo; reform measures Physics is an experimental basis in the natural sciences, physics experiments in physics and developed the process 2occupies an extremely important position. All gates at the vocational school basic courses in physics class in improving the scientific quality of the students play an irreplaceable role in the experiment in physics teaching is also occupy an important position. Strengthening of physics experiment teaching to enhance development of experimental teaching effectiveness and creativity of students in strengthening the quality of education today, it is particularly important. An experiment in physics teaching position and role of The new vocational school physics curriculum has clearly pointed out: “observe phenomena, experimental demonstration and students, enabling students to obtain specific physical facts, and a clear understanding, it is necessary to understand the concepts and laws of the foundation.” Observation and experiment pairs of observation and experiments to develop students ability to cultivate the scientific attitude of seeking truth from 3facts, to stimulate students interest, has an important role. Physics experiment as the basic means of teaching of physics has its special teaching function. 1. Through experiments can make physics teaching theory with practice, so that students can not only have a certain degree of perceptual knowledge, but also further understanding of physics concepts and how laws are built on an experimental basis, in order to effectively help students develop the concept of export laws , to master theories. 2. Through experiments the students can develop observation, thinking ability, self-learning capabilities, and identify problems, analyze problems and problem-solving skills; students good habits as well as basic experimental experimental ability and practical ability, and on this basis to further develop their independent thinking and 4innovation. 3. Through experiments with students engaged in scientific research should be rigorous scientific attitude, scientific way of thinking, and gradually learn the basic physics of the scientific method. In view of the status and role of the teaching experiment, and we should not only attach importance to experiment, and should be seriously implemented in the theoretical teaching of the principles of an experimental basis. Second, vocational schools, the status of physics experiment teaching 5With the further deepening of quality education, many experts and scholars and the majority of physics teachers for vocational schools, teaching physics experiments awareness of the importance and feelings gradually deepened, physics experiment teaching reform is under way. However, the status of teaching physics experiment is still not optimistic, there are the following areas: 1. Physics experiment teaching is not enough attention on the extent of Sample survey shows that vocational schools are generally required specialized courses in experimental high amount of investment is also very full, while the basic course as a physics experiment were generally inadequate attention. Experiment is specifically expressed in the number of prescribed curriculum does not meet the requirements, laboratory equipment and facilities is not complete, experimental teaching through the motions, the result is not satisfactory and so on. 62. Teachers experimental teaching the concept of weak Many teachers by traditional concepts of education, widespread focus on light theory, experiment ideas; Some teachers even think that the students will be hands-on experiment it does not matter so long as the pen test experiments on the line, and thus led to “do better to talk about real experiment,” , “talk back experiment than experiment” absurd practice. Coupled with the rapid development of science and technology, multimedia classrooms, allowing some teachers over-pursuit and fascination with multimedia simulation for students to see if they do not allow students to see the physical and practical. Thus abandoning the use of experimental visual teaching methods. This phenomenon seriously impeded the student hands-on ability and innovation ability. 73. Experimental teaching methods, the old single, organized at random Due to lack of understanding, teachers in the experimental teaching methods, teaching organization in the experiment, both problematic. For example: As teache
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