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SECTION 11.What are the differences between crystal chemistry and crystallography? And what are they in common?2.Describe the classic model come up with by Rutherford for atomic structure.3.What is the Bohrs postulate? What are the conditions for the stability of atom strcture in Bohrs model?4.How many series of line spectum emitted during the discharge of atomic hydrogen? Describe the conditions for each. 5.What are the differences between Quantum mechanics and Classical mechanics?6.Describe the uncertainty principle.7.What is the Schrodingers equation for the motion of a electron?8.What is meaning of and 2?9.what is the meaning of particle in a box model?10.what is the meaning of n, l ,m and what is the relationship among them?11.what is the shell, subshell and obital?12.what is the meaning of the node and the node plane?13.describe the Aufbau principle?14.what is the energy principle, Pauli exclusion principle, Hunds rule and their physical meaning?15.what is hydrogen-like atoms?16.what is the shapes of orbitals in hydrogen-like atoms?17. What is the Slaters rule?18.describe the order of energy lever in atomic orbitals.19.describe the blocks of the elements in the periodic chart.20.what is the ferro, antiferro and ferrimagnetic solids?1. For value of n=6, the name of the shell is ( )A. P B. NC. O D. Q2. The number of nodes for the radial function of a 4s electron in hydrogen atom is equal to ( )A. 1 B. 2C. 3 D. 43.For a f subshell, the total angular momentum is ( )A. 1 B. 2C. 3 D. 44. Given that the total angular momentum of an atom is 30, then the angular momentum is ( )A. 2 B. 3C. 5 D. 65. The energy of two electrons in the same orbit named E1 and E2, the relationship between them is ( )A. E1 E2 B. E1E 2C. E1= E2 D. Not sure6. In the hydrogen-like atom, the relationship between E3d and E4s is ( )A. E3d E4s B. E3dE 4sC. E3d= E4s D. Not sure7. The number of electrons can be filled in one orbit is determined by ( )A. n B. lC. m D. S8.the shape of an orbital is determined by ( )A. n B. lC. m D. S9.a 4f electron will not be shielded by a ( ) electron.A. 4s B. 4dC. 2p D. 5s10. The magnetic moment structure of a crystal solid is like , it should be called ( )A. ferromagnetic B. ferrimagneticC. antiferromagnetic D. no right answer above1. Crystal chemistry describes the atomic structure, bonding and packing. ( )2. Defects in crystal lead to that few crystalline lattices are perfect, so they are harmful for the properties of crystalline solids. ( )3. An electron of hydrogen atom jumps from N shell to K shell will emit a photon belonging to visible light. ( )4. The position of an object cant be unambiguous specified both in the quantum mechanics and classic mechanics. ( )5. Schrodingers equation is only effective for hydrogen atom or hydrogen-like atom. ( )6. It is possible that there are two electrons having the same quantum numbers, n, l, and m. ( )7. The node represents a point where the value of the radial function is max. ( )8. The Q shell can hold 100 electrons. ( )9. The electrons in the same sub shell cant have the same spin orientation. ( )10. The order of the electron filling is from low energy state to high energy state, such as 3d first and 4s later. ( )1.The number of electrons can be filled in the orbitals with n=6 is 2. For hydrogen, E1=-13.6eV. When a electron jumps from one orbit( n=5 ) to another( n=3 ), it will (gain or loss) eV energy.3.In the Bohrs postulate, the electron exists in a around the nucleus.4.The assumption of the stationary states was in Bohrs postulate.5. The electron configuration of N atom is (Li atom: 1s22s1, )6. Whether the contour map of 4s byin a hydrogen-like atom is a circle or not? (Y or N). And the contour map of 4s by 2? (Y or N).7.A wave function with discrete quantum number, n, l, and m, describes 8. The atomic radius predicted by the hydrogen-like atomic wave function is than the actual atomic radius because of omission of 9. There are s-block elements consisting of atoms with only outside a closed shell.10. primarily determine the nature of the chemical bonding of the atom.1.calculate the effective nucleus charge for a 3d electron Zn atom with electron configuration like 1s22s22p63s23p63d104s22. The electron configuration of Sc is 1s22s22p63s23p63d14s2, find 3d and 4s.3. Which orbit will the last electron fill for 19K, 3d or 4s? Give your reason.SECTION 21.What is the valenc
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