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高考英语作文-放鞭炮该禁止吗?Should Firecracker be Banned? In Chinese tradition, when the festival comes or when people are having big days, they will play firecrackers, in the purpose of informing others that it is a good day for them. But as the time went, playing firecracker is dangerous, some people get hurt, in some big cities, people are not allowed to do it. In my opinion, firecracker should be banned in some places. 在中国的传统,当节日来临的时候或者人们有喜事的时候,他们会放鞭炮,为了告知人们他们的大喜事。但是随着时间的流逝,放鞭炮变得危险,一些人甚至会因此而受伤,在一些大城市,人们是不被允许放鞭炮的。在我看来,鞭炮在一些地方应该禁止放。 If people live in the countryside, they can play firecracker. In the countryside, there are a lot of space between door and door, so that they can play firecracker in the leaving space, it will not hurt people. At the same time, people can keep the tradition, they can enjoy the festival phenomenon. If people live in the big cities, they mustnt play firecracker, because there is not so much leaving space between door and door, playing the firecracker will not only annoy neighbors, but also will bring danger to people. So it is not suitable to play firecracker in the big cities. 如果人们住在乡村,他们可以放烟花。在乡村,一户人家与一户人家之间有很多的空间,所以他们可以在空余的空间放鞭炮,不会伤到人。同时,人们可以保持传统,享受节日的氛围。如果人们生活在大城市,他们禁止玩鞭炮,因为在户与户之间没有太多的空间,放鞭炮不仅会干扰到邻居,而且给人们带来危险。所以在大城市放鞭炮是不合适的。 Firecracker is the symbol of happiness in Chinese tradition, but people still can use other things to take place of firecracker. 在中国的传统里,鞭炮是幸福的象征,但是人们仍然可以用其他东西来代替。
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