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表达感情的英语情景口语对话【导语】英语情景对话是练习英语口语的重要阅读材料,下面是由苏阳文斋为大家带来有关表达感情的英语情景口语对话,欢迎大家学习!【篇一】表达感情的英语情景口语对话A:Bobs sister will go to America.A:鲍伯的姐姐要去美国了。B:Why tell me?She has nothing to do with me!B:告诉我干什么呢?她和我没有任何关系!A:I thought you wanted to know more about her.A:我还以为你想了解她呢。B:No,I couldnt care less!B:我一点儿也不关心!【篇二】表达感情的英语情景口语对话A:I dont think the lecture is very interesting.A:我觉得这个讲座没意思。B:The lecturer is dull,too.B:那演讲人也太呆板了。A:I feel hes like a talking machine.A:我觉得他像个会说话的机器。B:I feel the same way.B:我也有同感。【篇三】表达感情的英语情景口语对话A:I feel pity for the old man.A:我很同情那位老人。B:I feel the same way.B:我也是。A:It must be dreadful to grow old.A:老了一定很可怕。B:It sure is.He has no one to turn to,very miserable indeed.B:是啊,他无依无靠,很惨啊。【篇四】表达感情的英语情景口语对话A:He has to deliver letters every day.A:他每天都要去送信。B:Poor man,he must be terribly fed up with it.B:真让人同情,他一定厌烦那工作了。A:Oh,no,he likes the job.A:不,他喜欢那工作。B:Oh,Really?B:噢,原来是这样。【篇五】表达感情的英语情景口语对话A:You must be feeling terrible for Mary.A:你肯定很担心玛丽的。B:Yes,shes been like this for two weeks.B:是啊,她这个样子已经有两周了。A:Im worried that she cant catch up with her class.A:我担心她跟不上功课。B:So do I.The doctor says shell get over in a month.B:我也担心,医生说她要一个月才能好。
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