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本资料来源于网络 如有重复概不负责小学英语作文范文95:A Visit to a Park 去公园It was a very hot day in summer.这是夏日很热的一天。I didnt want to stay at home.我不想在家待着。Suddenly, I had a wonderful idea.突然,我有了一个好主意。I invited my friends to have a picnic in the park.我邀请我的朋友们去公园野餐。My friends and I found a beautiful place in the park.我和朋友们在公园找到了一个漂亮的地方。The sun was shining, and the sky was blue.阳光灿烂、天空湛蓝.The clouds were moving slowly. The flowers were dancing in the wind.云彩走得很慢、花朵随风起舞。Linda and I were sitting beside a fountain.我和琳达坐在一个喷泉附近。We were talking about our school, our sports meet, our games and many interesting things.我们聊学校、运动会、游戏和许多有趣的事。Lily was playing beside us.莉莉在我们旁边玩。She was playing with water.她在玩水。She was wet but she was smiling happily.她身上湿了,但是她笑得很快乐。Lisa was playing football with John and Kevin.丽萨在和约翰、凯文踢足球。Dora was catching fish in the pond.朵拉在池塘里抓鱼。It was time for lunch.该吃午饭了。We took out our food and shared with each other.我们拿出食物彼此分享。We were all very excited.我们都很兴奋。The picnic was very interesting.野餐很有趣。We all think the picnic at the park was interestin.我们都认为在公园野餐很有意思。
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