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英语六级常用句整理分享英语六级常用句整理分享为了帮助大家更好的备考,听力课堂给大家整理了一些六级考试经常会出现的常用句子,希望的分享能对大家有所帮助哦!普遍认为,在中国环境保护十分有必要。It is universally acknowledged that environmental protection is indispensable in China.我们应该增强环保意识已经受到越来越多的关注。It has becoming an increasing concern that we should enhance the awareness of environmental protection.人们理所当然地认为,自然资源取之不尽。It is taken for granted that natural resources are inexhaustible.我认为,对孩子来说,学习与他人融洽相处是必不可少的。I think it indispensable for children to learn to get on well with others.我们列出了以下几条建议。Several suggestions are listed as follows.在我看来,创新的重要性不低于想象力。From my perspective, innovation is no less important than imagination.从某种程度上来说,教育水平越高,失业率越低。To some extent, the higher the education level is, the lower the unemployment rate wll be.尽管网上购物有许多优势,但是我们不可以忽视其缺点。Although there are a great number of advantages of online shopping, we cannot ignore its drawbacks.许多学生做兼职是为了积累一些相关的工作经验。Many students do part-time jobs in order to accumulate some relevant working experience.人们无法找到一份没有刊登广告的报纸。It is impossible to find a newspaper without advertisements.一些孩子如此过度地依赖父母,以至于在未来他们无法独立生活。Some children are so excessively dependent on their partents that they cannot live on their own in the future.据报道,该地区越来越多的野生动物正在遭到猎杀,这是一个严重的问题。As is reported, an increasing number of wild animals are being hunted in the area, which is a seriouis problem.这幅图画揭示了一个普遍现象:越来越多的人开始更加密切关注环保的重要性。This cartoon reveals a prevalent phenomenon that an increasing number of people are beginning to pay closer attention to the significance of environmental protection.直到失去健康,人们才开始意识到健康的重要性。People will not realize the significance of health until they lose it.正是网络使得人际交流更为方便。It is the Internet that makes interpersonal communication more convenient.我们必须重视环境污染的严重性。It is imperative that we (should) attach importance to the severity of environmental pollution. 要不是你的帮助,我本不该成功。But for/ Without your help, I would not have succeeded.随着信息技术的快速发展,人们的生活变得越来越便捷。With the information technology developing, our life is becoming increasingly convenient.快把的分享收藏起来慢慢看吧!在此祝同学们都可以顺利通过考试哦!
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