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单元测试一、根据句意,补全所缺单词1. Forests help to keep water from running away, so d doesnt often happen.2. The trees can stop the wind from b the earth away.3. The river is 20 kilometers long, 80 meters wide and two meters d . 4. A young tree must be tied to a stick to keep it s .5. We young use satellite to help us m telephone calls to foreign countries.二、根据句意,用括号喷气发动机给单词和适当形式填空1. Our classroom is 4 meters . (widely)2. She has been to America several . (time)3. Today is Tree Day.(plant)4. Weve already planted of trees since last year. (million)5. The you study, the more you will learn.(hard)6. The month of the year is March.(three)7. Our room is the of the three . (big)8. You must see your uncle as as possible.(often)9. My sister is than I.(careful)10. I will go to the cinema this evening. Would you like to come with ?(I)三 单项选择。 (15 分)1. The film for ten minutes when I got to the cinema.A. has been on B. had started C. had been on D. had begun2. I prefer rather than .A. to watch TV, listening to radio B. watching TV, listening to a radioC. watching TV, listen to a radio D. to watch TV, listen to radio3. There are a lot apples in this basket than in that one.A. of B. more C. most D. much4. My father used there.A. to working B. to work C. worked D. working 5. -You havent been to Hong Kong, have you?- . How I wish to go there.A. Yes, I have B. Yes, I havent C. No, I have D, No, I havent 6. By the time the firemen arrived, the big fire .A. had put out B. had been put out C. had put off D. had been put off7. Lai Changxing Canada with his family before the policemen began to catch him.A. had been to B. has gone to C. would go to D. had arrived in8. We ten English films by the end of last term.A. had seen B. has gone to C. would go to D. had arrived in9. Her mother told me that she hadnt heard music before. A. such a piece of beautiful B. a beautifulC. so beautiful a D. a such wonderful10. Today the forests have almost gone. People must down too many trees. A. stop to cut B. stop from cuttingC. be stopped to cut D. be stopped from cutting11. The TV play for ten minutes when I turned on the TV.A. had begun B. had been on C. had been on D. had started12. By the time I reached home, my mother supper ready.A. was cooking B. got C. had cooked D. had got 13. I didnt go to see the film last night because I it.A. have seen B. saw C. had seen D. would see 14. the end of the match, we had kicked four goals.A. At B. In C. By D. On15. He told me that he never such a good film beforeA. have, seen B. had, seen C. was, seen D. would, seen四根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。 (10 分)1. Im sorry I o and missed my usual bus.2. There is the b for the end of the lesson.3. Will you answer the telephone when it r ?4. The people wore historical c for the parade.5. Could I get you some water?Your glass is e ?6. Stop f about with that knife , or someone will get hurt.7. The fire-brigade answered the emergency call but there was no fire, it was all a h .8. You must s your ticket to the conductor when you get on a train.9. That is a film with a happy e .10. I got into a p when I found the door was locked.五用所给动词的适当形式完成句子。 (10 分)1. The two thieves by the time the policemen arrived. (flee)2. By yesterday evening he that important letter.(write)3. I thought I the man before. (meet)4. Mr. Li said that he never to Singapore. (be)5. By six oclock they for ten tours. (work)6. We three thousand English words by the end of last term. (learn)7. After he his work he went home at once. (finish)8. I wanted to see Nicks, but he out. (go)9. I the problem when class was over. (not understand)10. By the time I got home, I realized that I my umbrella in the classroom. (leave) 六按要求改写上列各句,每空一词1. Both my father and I went to the cinema yesterday evening.(改为否定句)my father I went to the cinema yesterday evening.2 You must hand in your homework now. (改为被动语态)Your homework in now. 3. The key is used for locking our
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