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2004M22004M铸造设备研究RESEARCH STUDIES ON FOUNDRY EQUIPMENT Apr.20042l:2003-11-06Te:(1974-),3,=,VYF。M;hO, k, V, +, 6(江苏省机电研究所,徐州221006)K1:分别采用ZG270-500和高铬铸铁作为锤柄和端部材质生产镶铸锤头。在强度许可的前提下尽量减小锤柄复合部位体积。采用侧冒口工艺,金属液流经冒口进入型腔,减小冒口及冒口颈尺寸,提高工艺出品率。锤头使用寿命是同等工况下高锰钢锤头的 3倍以上。1oM:锤头;高铬铸铁;镶铸;复合铸造ms|:TG143.7DSM:AcI|:1004-6178(2004)02-0018-02Insert Casting of the High Chromium Cast Iron-Cast Steel HammerWANG Chao, CHENG Hong-xiao, WANG Xiang-dong, SHEN Wei-dong, SONG Run-ze(Jiangsu Research Institute of Mechanical and Electric Technology , Xuzhou 221006, China)Abstract:Thecast steel and high chromium cast iron were used respectively as different parts(handle and head)of the hammerproduced by insert process.The enclosed part of the insert should beas small as possible on condition that the tensile strength neededmightbe assured.Theside riser through which liquid metal flowed to themold cavity was used, thus the dimension of theriser and itsneck could be minimized and the casting yield could be increased.The service life of this kind of hammer was more than 3 times thatof a high-manganeseone.Key Words:hammer;high chromium cast iron;insert process;composite casting;hOTe,3,q8?,/BZE。4OZT,qPp1o。1n;hO-3;hOVBOv、;c;ZT。B%=MZE|B0v(M)%;h8,A(),q%VP0v8B。1oOv8WLCr8,yNYOvj|an。+/,3;hp;h2 1 。i5,OvvlsK;hj,9H,V,H.40M n2fok,=S0p C.I I,1984.69 74. 10 ,.m M.:S/,1989.(上接第19页)ID:1 ,uZ+.O;h J .,2001,(7):28-29.2 ;,5.OgM;h J .gM/A%/ J./,2001,(8):485-488 7 ,.;h J./!,2003,(2):29-30.272004M2:f8?
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