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2012届高考英语一轮复习基础强化:Unit2 Heroes(北师大版必修1).品句填词1.The Presidents visit will p_the cooperation(合作)between the two countries.句子译文_2.He is quite c_that he can pass the examination because he is one of excellent students in class.句子译文_3.The industrial r_took place in England first several centuries ago. 句子译文_4.They have arrived at the west of ocean, e_ every part of the islands. 句子译文_5.We were all surprised at the sudden_ (灾难).句子译文_6.He wasnt interested in his stage_ (职业;事业).句子译文_7.The children learned about the_ (关系)between the moon and the earth after they listened to what the teacher said.句子译文_8.We are_ (自信的)that next years profits will be higher.句子译文_.短语识境quality; amazing; promote; skilful;confident; admire; useless; compete1.Youve got no money,and you want to_with those who have.Whats the use?句子译文_2.I_him for his success in business,and Im sure most people have the same feeling.句子译文_3.The new method was put into use and many peasants became_ very at it.句子译文_4.I had spent much time on the work but they told me it was_.句子译文_5.It was_that he knew nothing about the event.句子译文_6.We were_that we would be able to complete the task,please trust us. 句子译文_7.The young army officer was_to the rank of captain.句子译文_8.This company is more concerned with_than with quantity.句子译文_.翻译句子1.如果打架的话,你可以依靠我。(come to)_2.玛丽跟比尔一样聪明。(equal)_3.他们为了得到社会的认可而努力工作。(struggle)_4.眼睛对光起反应。(react to)_5.别碰它!让它保持原样。(as) _ .单项填空1.Some people fear that_air pollution may bring about changes in_weather around the world.A./;the B.the;/ C.an;the D.the;a2.Having won a series of matches against Germans,Wang Hao and his partners,together with their coach,waved their hands excitedly to_the cheers of the crowd.A.admit B.acknowledge C.absorb D.consider3. Ive watched the womens individual archery gold medal match.Zhang Juanjuan is really somebody.Yes,she is_.A.tiresome B.handsome C.troublesome D.awesome4.In Beijing Olympics,Michael Phelps(迈克尔菲尔普斯)swam into Olympic history, _the first athlete_the most gold medals ever.A.became;to win B.becoming;to winC.becoming;winning D.to become;to win5.All the cars must be tested before coming into use,which would_cause danger.A.somehow B.meanwhile C.otherwise D.furthermore6. If only there were no examinations!_We all need more rest.A.Why do you think so? B.For what?C.I could agree more. D.You can say that again.7.As is known,the customs and culture of America_very much like of England.A.is;that B.are;those C.have been;the ones D.has been;the one8.As a result of the terrible rainstorm,the highway has been closed up,so you have to wait for further_.A.introduction B.attention C.notice D.advice9. Wake him up at 6 oclock tomorrow morning if he_.OK,I will.A.sleep B.is sleeping C.will sleep D.will be sleeping10. I dont think Cheng Fei should be blamed.What about you?Yes. _.A.No pains,no gains B.Early birds catch wormsC.Great minds think
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