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如何写论文摘要6 q# P$ c/ y2 . u: P( T- S. i8 # d. H论文摘要的写法不象数学术语的定义和数学定理的叙述那样,有一定的格式可循,但对于初学者来说,仍有一些常见的句子可以摹仿。现略举一些这样的句子,并附上一些论文摘要作为例子,供读者参考。需要指出的是,这里所举的例句对普遍的文章均适合,比较抽象,具体的论文摘要除了可上下面某些句子外,必须有具体内容,更确切地说摘要中要包含一些 key words以说明该文涉及的内容,但一般不要在摘要中引用文献。1开门见山,说明文章内容,可用下面的句子起句:The aim(or object, purpose) of this paper(or note)is to proveThe aim(or object, purpose) of this paper(or note)is to showThe aim(or object, purpose) of this paper(or note)is to presentThe aim(or object, purpose) of this paper(or note)is to developThe aim(or object, purpose) of this paper(or note)is to generalizeThe aim(or object, purpose) of this paper(or note)is to investigateIt is the purpose of this paper to proveIt is the purpose of this paper to showIt is the purpose of this paper to presentIt is the purpose of this paper to developIt is the purpose of this paper to generalizeIt is the purpose of this paper to investigateThis paper is concerned withThis paper deals withIn this paper we proveIn this paper we presentIn this paper we propose to show2如果需要简略回顾历史,然后再说明自己文章的内容,则可参考采用下面的句子:The problemwas first treated byand laterimproved by. The purpose of this paper is to prove that it holds in a more general case. first raised the problem which was later partly solved by . We now solve this problem in the case of 3如果文章推广了别人的结果,或减弱了别人结果中的条件,则可参考采用下面的句子:The purpose of this paper is to generalize the results obtained by to a more general case, i. e. , In this paper we shall prove several theorems which are generalizations to the results given by This paper intends to remove some unnecessary assumptions(e. g. , regularity) from the paper onThis paper deals with generalizations of the following problemThis paper improves the result of onby weakening the conditions例:It is the purpose of the present paper to point out that certain basic aspects of information-processing systems possess dynamical analogy, and to show that these analogies can be exploited to obtain deeper insights into the behaviour of complex systems.We present a general comparision principle for systems ofboundary value problems and employ this resultfor proving existence and uniqueness of solutions, stability and existence of periodic solutions for non-linear boundary value problems.We proved a theorem for generalized non-expansive mapping in locally convex spaces and extend the results ofKirk and Kaun. We also obtain a theorem which generalizes the results of Brouder.This paper is concerned with the existence of multiple solutions ofboundary problems for the non-linear differential equation of the formThis paper is concerned with the question of localuniqueness of solutions of Cauchy Problem for elliptic partial differential equations with characteristics of multiplicity not greater than 2.The object of this paper is to investigate the behaviour at the boundary of solutions to the uniformly semi-linear equationThe aim of this paper is to try to minimize the functional over the class F of all absolutely continuous functions f(x) which satisfy the boundary conditions 社论写自己的比赛论文导言今年的ICM出现了一些瑕疵,两支队伍被取消了资格。在之前,他们的论文已经被评为了OutStanding,但是论文并不是他们的工作。这两篇论文中包含了许多从其它资源中得到的整段内容,但没有任何的注明。这两个队把其他人的工作作为自己的工作:完全不能分辨哪些内容是引用的,哪些是自己的工作。 规则对于ICM(和MCM)来说,首要的竞赛规则就是:1、团队可以使用任何无生命的数据或资料电脑、软件、参考资料、网站、书籍等,但是所有资源的使用必须被注明来源。使用没有注明来源的资源的代表队将被取消参赛资格。 该怎样做?这里复制了对于学生的意见和例子,稍作修饰用在MCM的团队上。进一步的例子和意见,是由Hacker2007年提供。当你研究一个在一份文件,项目,或介绍中的课题的时候,你可以从书籍、期刊和杂志文章、演讲记录、网页、和其它来源收集资料,。你陈述自己的关于这个主题的观点,有时你可能需要直接从一个文本中引用。无论哪种方式,必须有:*引文:信息的来源必须在你的工作的文本中注明。*参考:参考资料部分必须在的论文的结尾,或在一个脚注中提供,这取决于文本风格的使用规则。 一些指引正如你工作在一个课题的时候,最初由一个作者或同事提出的想法,你也可能很熟悉。他们往往变得如此熟悉,以至于你可能会开始想它们是你自己的!为了避免遗漏或错误,你需要标注思路的来源,在你的研究报告中采用全面的注释。 这些标注应包括书目信息和页码(或书签的URL),以便可以再次找到这些资源。这里有一些准则: * 广为人知的事实,无须归属(美国总人口在过去50年中大幅增加)。* 你的参考文献无须包括没有在你的论文中引用的资源来源。 * 已采用的推理行(如一个数学模型的纲要)或改编自其它资源的必须被标注,即使你没有使用原先资源中的任何字眼。 * 所有的数据集、方程、数字、照片、图表、表格必须标注其合法来源。 * 直接从文献中引用,这样做是正确的: 要么使用引号或缩排(尤其是在相当长的引文中),要么在文本的结尾标注引用。 标注资源引用(包括页码)。 确信你已经包括了提到的全部书目数据作为参考,并且已经取得了引用的权利。 * 概括作者的思想,你还必须举出来源,但除此之外,你必须避免接近意译。下面是令人无法接受的,采用了一个作家的短语、句子、或句子结构,但你却改了几个同义词或修改了几个词。你要用你自己的话和你自己的语法来表述。最好的办法是,在你写论文的时候,不要把源文放在你的面前。有启发性的例子 以下是摘自Benton 1989,4 : The fin-back Dimetrodon was able to keep warm by orienting its sail perpendicularto the direction of sunlight.(背部带翅片的蝾螈能通过把它的背部的“大帆”垂直指向太阳的方向来御寒。)以下的例子可以帮助你了解抄袭行为的本质。所有的例子都使用本杂志的引用风格,该刊物发表所有的ICM/MCM的Outstanding论文。本杂志的进一步的风格细节参见Campbell 2007年。(当然,如果你正在为不同的杂志准备一个非竞赛论文,你应该了解它的风格规范并遵照执行) 。 1、The fin-back Dimetrodon was able to keep warm by orienting its sail perpendicular to the direction of sunlight Benton 1989). 这为什么是抄袭?因为这个陈述是一个直接的引用,归属(Benton)是不够的,你还需要引号(以及很多的风格规范要求你必须给出页码)。这里的正确的写法,见下面这个例子:The fin-back Dimetrodon was able to keep warm by orienting its sail perpendicular to the direction of sunlight Benton 1989, 4.2、Bent
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