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大学英语2A卷复习资料一 判断1. In Food, multi-course menu is surely a good thing. ( )2. Single expensive product sets a restaurant an advanced standard. ( )3. In Corey Lees menus are breathtaking explorations. ( )4. A shorter meal can make a happy feeling.5. A shorter meal makes the consumer as much like a victim.6. We tend to become shopaholics because of the thrill of finding a bargain. ( )7. Most compulsive shoppers are women. ( )8. Credit cards make compulsive shopping and cause it. ( )9. A shopping addict is a recreational shopper. ( )10. Shopaholics cannot be cured. ( )二 词语替换cheery billboard lingered transmit detect resolution distribute access a craving for drive home1. Clothes and blankets have been among the refugees.2. He didnt have to make the point . The videotape had done that.3. Users can information about their voice mail remotely.4. She gave me a smile.5. I tell teams working on print ads to start by creating a large sign used for .6. Then, with sudden , she stood up.7. She had some chocolate.8. I spent a week at Kandersteg and could happily have .9. The system information over digital phone lines.10. Many forms of cancer can be cured if early.三 选择1. In the authors opinion in Hobbies, hobbies are _A. something we cannot normally affordB. something of vital importance to usC. something we could only dream for D. none of the above2. The author enjoys writing _.A. poetry, short stories and fashion articles onlyB. poetry and serious articlesC. pieces of different styles and for publicationD. for her own enjoyment3. Which of the following is not true of the author? _.A. The author reads extensively.B. The author walks often because she has no car.C. The author likes old things for their connection with history.D. The author enjoys bargaining in shopping malls very much.4. Which of the following is true according to the text? _.A. The author goes to museums very oftenB. The best museums in the world are never free.C. The author could watch shows for free because she is a college student.D. The author does not like to bump into lectures or presentations while visiting a park.5. The authors attitude toward her hobbies is _.A. she enjoys her hobbies very much, though she may not be very good at her hobbiesB. she spends time and efforts on her hobbiesC. she explores her hobbies and let them enrich her lifeD. all of the above6. Compulsive shoppers, or shopaholics_.A. are all women B. have become frequent topics of conversation in the realm of pop psychology C. have accumulated tens of thousands of dollars in debt to feed a habitD. have always been seen regularly in womens magazines.7. A true shopaholic_.A. will continue to make purchases long after he is over his head in debt.B. buy things not because he feels he mustC. shop because he simply enjoys itD. usually purchase things that he has a need for8. For controlling overspending and compulsive shopping, we should _.A. never go shopping aloneB. cut up your credit cardsC. give ourselves an allowance for each month for unplanned purchasesD. all of above9. A counselor_.A. will force you to consolidate your bills into a smaller monthly paymentB. can help you use behavior modification techniques that have a proven track recordC. will also help you set up your daily budget D. can only help you figure out why your spending habits are so out of control10. From the whole passage, we know that compulsive shoppers _.A. cannot be cured with a pillB. get a grip on their obsessions after taking some antidepressantsC. can get their lives back in control with patience, persistence, and sometimes professional helpD. are able to be cured with a pill四pastime journal gallery nostalgic luxury1. something expensive that you do not need, but you buy for pleasure and enjoyment_.2. remembering happy time in the past_.3. something that you do regularly for fun in your free time_.4. a magazine containing articles relating to a particular subject or profession_.5. a public building where you can look at paintings and other works of art_.五 翻译1. While the media often uses the term shopaholic in an offhand manner, a true compulsive shopper suffers from a very real lack of self-control.2. Many have accumulated tens of thousands of dollars in debt to feed a habit they find unable to control or understand.3. Strolling alone allows me to focus on my thoughts without too many distractions.4. They take weekend-long shopping excursions, spend money they do not have and of
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