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八年级上 英语1精 品 教 案教学问题最佳解决方案Unit 5 Can you come to my party? 八年级上第 5 单元第 1 课时Section A (1a-Grammar Focus)听说课地方一中 臧宝同 电话:654103【教学目标】知识目标:1、掌握词汇和重要短语;2、掌握并会运用 Grammar Focus 中涉及到的重要句型:能力目标:在交际,操练和动手操作的合作学习过程中,培养同学们的合作意识,增进同学间的友谊,并培养学生礼貌的接受和合理的拒绝别人请求的意识。情感目标:在交际,操练和动手操作的合作学习过程中,培养同学们的合作意识,增进同学间的友谊,并培养学生礼貌的接受和合理的拒绝别人请求的意识。【重点难点】重点:1. Words and Expressions2. Target Language: 运用并理解 Grammar Focus 中的句型。难点:理解、掌握用现在进行时表示将来的计划或行动这一用法和 have to 的用法。【教学过程】I. Warm up1. 检查生词预习情况正音: 由两名学生领读生词,教师及时正音,然后领读,学生齐读。听写:听写两类:单词和本课出现的短语。lesson another concertstudy for a test have a piano lesson help my parents 教师给出 a)类单词元音字母的音标,让学生掌握这些单词并给学生读记的时间 ,同时规范书写。根据情况做同步学习P372. Task: A free talk about:Can youheshe/ they?T: Hello! Can you speak English?S1: (Choose a student to answer) Yes, I can./No, I cant.T: Can he speak English?Ss: Yes, he/she can. No, he/she cant.Use “ride a bike / swim / wash clothes / help your mother” to make more conversations.II. Pre-task (预备任务)1. Research(新知探究):T: As we know, we can do many different activities in our daily life, now lets make a survey: What activities you can do. Please listen carefully:What can you do? Think it over and write them down. Show us your things you can do.You can answer like this: I can swim and play basketball.2学之札记特 级 教 师 训 练 方 案 新课标人教版Students begin to write them down.Then ask and answer like this:A: What can you do?B: I can draw. What about you?A: I can speak a little French.2. Task: To show a picture about a party. The teacher present a situation:T: This Saturday is my birthday. I want to have a birthday party at home. I want you to come to my birthday party. What can I do for the party? Please help me and give me some advice.The students may give advice: 1) You can buy a big birthday cake.2) You can buy some fruit and something to drink.3) You can invite your friends to your birthday party.T: If I have a birthday party, can you come to my party?Ss: Sure, Id love to./Sorry, I am busy./Im sorry, I have to do my homework.(There will be more answers.)III. While-task (同步任务)1. Task1: SA 1aT: Now lets translate some phrases: 1) Read and translate the phrases on the blackboard in 1a without looking at their books.study for a test go to the doctor have a piano lesson help my parents visit my aunt2) Please turn to Page25: Match the words with the pictures. Now stand up and tell us the answers.3) Then look at the pictures and say these phrases. For example: T: Picture a Ss: have a piano lesson/ T: Picture b Ss: study for a test2. Task2: SA 1b T: In the picture, there are some students. Do you want to know what their names are. Here are some names: Tim, Ted, Kay, Anna and Wilson. By listening to the tape, you can write the names next to the correct students in the picture above. Play the recording for them.Ss: Begin to listen. Because its easy and can listen only once and show their answers.After listening, check the answers and ask students to read the listening material after the tape.3. Task3: SA 1cT: If your friend wants you to come to his/her party. What should you answer? 1c can help you.1)Then ask students to work in groups to practice the conversation in lc and act2)Write new conversations according to 1c做配套练习 P19 4. Task4: SA 2aT: OK. In 2a well listen to 5 conversations. In the conversations, there are 5students. Their names are Jeff, Mary, May, Claudia and Paul. Before listening, please read 5 sentences.Ss: Begin to read the sentences.T: Play the recording for them.Ss: (Listen and circle “can” or “cant”.) Check the answers with the students. 5. Task5 SA 2b T: Please look at 2b now. Read 5 sentences quickly first and listen again and number the reasons.Ss: (Read quickly.)T: Listen to the conversation carefully and number the reasons.八年级上 英语3精 品 教 案问题最佳解决方案Ss: (Listen and number.)1) Check the answers. Then ask and answer in pairs.2) Explain the listening material.3) Listen to the tape again and repeat after it.6. Task 6 S -A 2c Role play: 1) Make conversations using the information from 2a and 2b.2) Practice 2c in groups and then in pairs. Show and share their conversations.3) Make up a new conversation and act it.7. Task 7 (Grammar focus)1) Read and translate 2) Take English notes.IV. Post-task (任务提升)T: I think we will be asked to all kinds of the parties. And this Saturday I will have a birthday party, how can we accept and decline them? Interview your classmates how they solve the party problems. Please make a survey.1. Task1: Speaking Ask your classmates.Model: A: Excuse me. Can you come to my birthday party?B: Sure, Id love to.A: Excuse me. Can you go to the movies?B: Im sorry, I cant. I have to go home/I have to do lots of homework/I must visit my grandmotherPractice the conversation in pairs.2. Task 2: Writing Get the students to write a passage called“My birthday party”根据所获取的信息,先作口头报告,然后再形成书面报告。V. Summary1. Students read the words, the phrases and the sentences in Grammar Focus2. 现在进行时表示将来的计划或行动,
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