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1Unit 9 Have you ever been to an amusement park Section A2学习目标:1. 会读并掌握 7071 单词 ,短语。2. 理解并能正确运用知识点3.培养学生如何表达现在完成时Step1 单词1 人物,角色_2 see 的过去分词_ 3.主题 _ 4. 有吸引力的事物或人物_5 过山车 _6 巡视_7 甲板_8.在船上 _9.以结束 _10 岛屿 _11 特别,尤其 _12 交换生_2 练一练3 短语1 听说 -2.许多其他迪尼斯的著名人物 - 3.在电影里看见他们 4.几个不同迪尼斯乐园-5.叫它主题公园-6.一般吸引力-7.所有过山车-8.看见迪尼斯人物在走-9.在船上兜风-10.任何其他迪尼斯乐园-11.结束-12.迪尼斯自己岛屿 -13.如此多的乐趣- 14.去迪尼斯旅行 15.与争吵- 16.懂英文版的电影-17.学习其他语言有趣- 18.开始学英语- - 19.想提高英语 -20.学英语的原因 -21 一个新的交换生- 22 需要问你些问题- Step2 阅读听力训练(一) 阅读 3a 完成任务型阅读。1. How many Disneyland parks are there in the world? Where are they?_.2. Is Disneyland an amusement park or a theme park?_.3. What does “theme” mean?_.4. What can you do in Disneyland?_.5. What is Disney Cruise?_.Step3.记住知识点并能灵活运用1 ever/never, already /yet _2neither/both/either_3 hear of/hear sb do(doing)_教师或学生笔记栏24 take a ride/on the boat/on board_5 end up/begin with_6 come /go/arrive_7 become/be_-Step 4 教师精讲释疑。练一练1 Have you _this story before?A heard B heard of C listened D sounded2 I have _read it twice.A yet B before C ago D already3 You can take a ride _several days.A on boat B on the boat C take a boat 4 4 _of them is right.A Neither B. Both C All Step6.达标测评1 There are some _(交换) student in our class.2 He wanted to act as a _(向导 ) to the Palace Museum.3 There is _ (岛屿) over there.4. I have never been to Australia ,_have they.A so B neither C only D one5 I have _a student here for 2 years.A become B done C been 6 The class _at 6:00 yesterday. A end B ended up C finish D over7 He didnt _ out at night.A fear to go B afraid to go C scared to go D fear going8 Have you ever traveled to _province of China.A aother B other C the other D others-
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