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1UNIT 2 Ill help to clean up the city parks. 题(满分 100 时间 60 分钟)I.单选1. Lets go to see the sick kids and _.Acheer them up Bcheer up them Cclean up them Dfix them up2. If you do your best, Im sure youll _ do it well. Acan Bcould Care able to Dbe able to3. He didnt use to _ soccer, but now he is used to _ it.Aplaying, playing Bplay, playing Cplaying, to play Dplays, to play4. Hes always _ at home, but he doesnt feel_.Aalone, alone B.alone, lonely C.lonely, alone5. We were all _ to hear the _ news.Aexcited, excited Bexcited, exciting Cexciting, excited6. The little girl can cook dinner by _.Ahimself Bherself Citself Dmyself7. Jack, you should learn _ after yourself.Alooking Blook Cto look Dlooks8. Peter and Tim got there _ the same time.Aof Bin Cwith Dat9. My mother found it hard _ the house.Aclean Bto clean Ccleaning Dcleaned10. Lots of children are _ in the movie.Ainterest Binteresting Cinterested Dinterests11.What are you doing, Uncle Wang?Im sorting out old books and Ill to kids in West China.2A.give them up B.give them away C.give them off D.give them in12.We found necessary to protect animals in danger. A.it B.this C.that D./13.You should smoking. Its bad for your health. A.get up B.put up C.give up D.look up14.Thank you for your ,otherwise I couldnt finish my study. A.kind B.kindly C.kindnessD.kinds15.He is strong football. A.in play B.in playing C.at play D.at playing16. He looks sad. Lets cheer him _ .A. up B. in C. out D. at17. We need to _ up with a plan on Clean-up Day.A. come B. go C. work D. study18. Now I spend time _ what I love to do.A. to do B. doing C. do D. did19. My mother _dinner when I got home.A. was cooking B. cooked C. has cooked D. cooks20. We had to put off _ the museum because it was under repair.A. visiting B. to visit C. visit D. visited21.Our parents often tell us not alone in the river. A.swim B.to swim C.swimming22.The father is kind enough so many nice toys for his daughter .A.buying B.giving C.to buy D.to give23.I often saw the boys in the river. 3A.swam B.swimming C.to swim D.swim24.It takes me two hours my homework every day. A.doing B.to doC.did D.does25.I hope you next Sunday. A.see B.to see C.sees D.seeing26.Its easy the problem.A.for him solve B.for him to solve C.of him solving D.of him to solve27. is not easy to look after a little baby. 28. A.The B.What C.It D.HowII.完形填空 One day, Peter had a fight with one of his classmates. Then he went to his grandfather and told him his story 36 .“He is really bad,”the boy said,“and I 37 him.”The grandfather said,“ 38 me tell you a story. When I was a boy, I too, sometimes hated others for what they did.”As Peter 39 carefully, the grandfather went on.“There are always two tigers inside my heart. One is 40 and kind. He gets on well 41 everything around him. But 42 is bad and unfriendly. Even the smallest thing will make him angry. He fights with everyone all the time, and for no reason. He cant think carefully 43 he always hates others. It is difficult to live with these two tigers inside my heart. They both try to control(控制)me.”Peter looked into his grandfathers 44 and asked,“ 45 tiger always controls you, Grandfather?”The old man said slowly and seriously,“The one that I feed. I always feed the good and kind tiger, so I never hate others and seldom(很少)get angry now.”36.A.happily B.friendly C.hardly D.angrily 437.A.love B.hate C.know D.enjoy38.A.Make B.Help C.Let D.Ask 39.A.saw B.felt C.talked D.listened40.A.good B.bad C.lazy D.quiet 41.A.at B.on C.with D.about42.A.other B.others C.another D.the other 43.A.because B.though C.before D.but44.A.eyes B.ears C.nose D.mouth 45.A.Who B.Which C.Where D.WhenIII. 适当形式填空:1.We should try to help those _(able) people who have difficulties in their daily life.2.The man would like to have a special _(train ) dog.3.A friend of _(I) said that she would like to help him.4.All of us should help those _(home) poor people that have no place to live in.5.I want to thank you for your _(kind) to me. 6.It makes a big _(different)to my life.7.Its a wonderful _(feel) to be back home again .8.We finished doing our homework by _(we).9.The man has trouble _(answer) the telephone. 10.The little girl felt _(excite) when she saw her mother11. I often hear the girl _(play) the violin in the next room.12. Please tell the boys to stop _(make) noise. Were having a meeting.14. Do you have trouble_(organize) the English evening
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