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1重庆市涪陵九中八年级英语下册Unit 5 Feeling Happy Topic 1 Why all the smiling faces Section B导学案(无答案) 人教新目标版课型:对话课课时:1 课时主备人:审阅:学习目标:1. Learn some new words and phrases: seem, moving, film, be proud of, smell, set the table, be able to, upset, surprised2. Go on learning the structure of “linking verb+adj.” (连系动词+形容词)” He feels disappointed because he couldnt get a ticket to The Sound of Music.He seems a little unhappy.Did she sound upset?Im sure Mr. Lee will be surprised!The leaves turn green.The food smelt nice and tasted delicious.3. Talk about movies and operas.学习重点:学习目标第 2点。学习难点:学习目标第 3点。Task 1 预习热身(学生版:自学)一、过词汇、短语关:1. 试拼读 125页 P3-4的新单词,小组内相互拼读。2. 在家听写 P3-4单词。3. 读 1、2、3a,找出下列重点单词和短语, 并在课文中勾画出来。英汉互译: (1)似乎有点不高兴 (2)的票 2(3)很感人 (4)为感到骄傲 (5)对感到满意 (6)为某人摆放餐具 (7)发烧 = (8)真是个坏消息! (9)听起来着急 (10)给打电话 _(11) turn green (12) smell nice/good (13) smell terrible (14) taste delicious 二、对话 1。句型:1.He feels disappointed because he couldnt get a ticket to The Sound of Music.意思是 a ticket to 意思是 2.He seems a little unhappy. 意思是 3. I dont like it at all. Its boring. But my parents like Beijing Opera a lot.意思是 三、对话 3a。句型:1. Kangkang, are you sitting the table for your friends?意思是 sit the table 意思是 对话 1What main idea(主题):_Difficult points(难点):_How to solve them(怎样解决):_对话 3aWhat main idea(主题):_Difficult points(难点):_How to solve them(怎样解决):_32. Thats too bad! Did she sound upset? 意思是 3. I hope everything goes well. 意思是 4. Im sure Mr. Lee will be surprised! 意思是 Task 2 活动探究【教师版:小组讨论教师巡答提出问题盘点提升(归纳/点拨/释难/延伸) 】活动 I、 学习 1, 2。 (PPT 导入后进入)一、听 1录音,回答问题:Which film does Kangkang like best?句型:略(见学生版)三、 听 1录音,自读 1a,讨论并翻译。四、两人一组的对话,请几对同学表演对话五、完成 2.掌握“连系动词(be/look/seem/become/smell/turn)+形容词”用法。活动 II. 学习 3a,3b。 (PPT 导入后进入)What main idea(主题):_ 盘点提升(集体备课)Difficult points(难点):_How to solve them(怎样解决):_二. 对话1What main idea(主题):_ 盘点提升(集体备课)Difficult points(难点):_How to solve them(怎样解决):_一. 对话 3a4句型:略(见学生版)二、 听 3a录音,自读 1a,讨论并翻译。三、找出“连系动词+形容词”的句子。四、两人一组练习 3a的对话,请几对同学表演对话五、完成 3b。活动 III. 听力练习(完成 4)Task 3 小结及板书Section B“连系动词(taste/look/sound/feel/seem/become/smell/turn)+形容词”He feels disappointed because he couldnt get a ticket to The Sound of Music.He seems a little unhappy.Did she sound upset?Im sure Mr. Lee will be surprised!The leaves turn green.The food smelt nice and tasted delicious.5Task 4 当堂达标:问题检测(巩固练习) 。(一)单项选择。1. He entered Beijing University_. The people in his village are _ him. A. in the end; pride in B. at the end; pride ofC. in end; proud of D. in the end; proud of2. Whats the matter with Tom? He seems _ sad.His pet dog died. A. feel B. feels C. to feel D. feeling3.Love Me Once More, Mom is so that I cry again and again.A.moved B.moving C.moves D.moves4. I hope everything _ well. A. goes. B. go C. gone D.get5.You dont look _. Whats wrong?A. well B. good C. tiri
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