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1 A successful company must keep up with the pace of technological change. 一家成功的公司必须得跟上技术变革的步伐。2 China faces the Pacific on the east. 中国东临太平洋。3 A pack of cigarettes lasts him two days. 一包香烟够他抽两天的。4 Could I bother you to give the package to Mr.Miller? 麻烦你把这个包裹交给米勒先生好吗?5 Harry made a packet after the war selling surplus army blankets. 战后,哈里靠出售剩余的军用毛毯赚了一大笔钱6 Each man had a paddle for an hour and then a rest. 每个人划了一小时桨,然后休息。7 A bad tooth can cause acute pain. 一颗蛀牙可以引起激烈的疼痛。8 A very painful surmise arose concerning her character. 对她的人格产生了一种令人难堪的猜度。9 Please darken the blue paint with black paint. 请在蓝漆里掺上点黑漆。10 He is an abstract painter. 他是一个抽象派画家。11 Do you like oil painting or water color? 你喜欢油画还是喜欢水彩画?12 A pair of robbers were trying to kidnap his wife. 两个强盗正试图绑架他的妻子。13 After years of neglecting, the palace has been restored to its former glory. 经过若干年的沉寂,这座宫殿恢复了以往的壮丽14 Defeat left her tearful, pale and drained. 她因遭受失败而眼含泪水、面色苍白、精疲力竭15 He used a pan of water to mix the wheatflour. 他用一锅水和面。16 The pancake is burnt. 饼烤焦了17 Many goods in China have the trademarks of a panda. 中国的许多商品都带有熊猫的商标。18 Dont panic! There is no danger. 不要慌张!没有危险。19 She is the best girl for the paperwork. 她是最适合做这项文书工作的女孩。20 At this point, the teacher could suggest revisions of the paragraph as a whole. 这时候教师可以建议对整个段落进行修改。21 His movements on the parallel bars were very graceful. 他的双杠动作可帅了!22 Accompanying the letter is a parcel of books. 信外随带书籍一包。23 At last, he obtained his fathers pardon. 他终于得到了父亲的原谅。24 Anglers are required to obtain prior authorization from the park keeper. 垂钓者必须事先得到公园管理者的许可。25 A parrot can sometimes make you embarrassed. 鹦鹉有时候会让人很尴尬。26 He planned to participate in the demonstration, but then he got cold feet. 他打算参加示威,但后来临阵退缩了。27 As soon as she realized she had a particular shortcoming, she resolutely overcame it. 她一发现自己的毛病,就坚决改正。28 Are you sure you want him as your partner for life? 你决定要他做你的终生伴侣吗?29 A good sleeping bag is an essential part of every campers equipment. 一个完好的睡袋是每个露宿者必不可少的装备。30 A majority vote enabled the passage of the resolution. 多数人投赞成票使议案得以通过。31 Each passenger is allowed twenty-five kilogrammes of luggage. 每位旅客允许携带二十五公斤的行李。32 I went and sat in a cafe and watched the passers-by.我走进一家咖啡馆坐下,望着来往的路人。33 He has a passive disposition. 他个性消极。34 A passport that is out of date is invalid. 护照过期是无效的。35 Memories of the past welled up in my mind.; Many past memories crowded in upon my mind. 多少往事涌上心头。36 The patent runs out in three years time. 这项专利期限为三年。37 A winding path leads to the cave. 一条曲折的小道通向山洞。38 He has a sense of humour plus tolerance and patience. 他具有幽默感又能宽容和忍耐。39 The patients running a high fever.; The patient has a high temperature. 病人烧得厉害。40 He framed his life according to a noble pattern. 他以高尚的模式构筑自己生活的框架。41 After a little pause, he went on with his speech. 稍停一会儿后,他又继续讲演。42 He stopped his bike just off the pavement. 他把自行车就停在人行道旁边。43 He started tipping the pea pods into a pan. 他开始把豌豆荚倒进锅中44 We love peace but peace cannot be got by begging, we have to fight for it. 我们热爱和平,但我们不应该乞求和平,而应当去争取和平。45 As everybody knows, Switzerland is a peaceful country. 众所周知,瑞士是一个爱好和平的国家46 A hundred acres of land was made into a peach and pear orchard. 100英亩土地改为种桃和梨的果园。47 The city built a pedestrian overpass over the highway. 城里在公路上建了一座过街天桥。48 All the corrections are made in red pencil. 所有的修改都是用红笔写的。49 A penny saved is a penny gained. 省一文是一文。(谚语) 50 He commuted his pension into a lump sum. 他把退休金一次领清,拿了一大笔钱。51 A large percentage of school-books now have pictures. 现在大部分教科书有插图。52 Practice makes perfect. is a proverb. “熟能生巧”是一句谚语。53 He delegated me to perform a task. 他委派我去执行一项任务。54 A dancer must throw herself heart and soul into every performance. 舞蹈演员对每一场演出都必须尽心尽力55 He was supposed to be a serious performer, but the crowd laughed him off the stage. 他被认为是严肃的演员,但观众却把他哄下了台。56 Many companies bottle perfume. 许多公司进行香水的瓶装(业务)。57 A bell signals the end of a school period. 铃声报知下课的时间。58 He is one of our permanent employees. 他是我们的终身雇员之一。59 Allow me to propose a toast.; With your permission, Ill propose a toast. 请充许我祝酒。60 Circumstances do not permit me to help you . 情况不许可我帮助你61 A basketball player is allowed five personal fouls before fouling out. 篮球运动员侵人犯规五次即被罚下场。62 Administrative personnel should also acquire some technical skills. 管理人员也应该学几门手艺。63 He saw to the comforts of his guests personally. 他亲自照顾客人。64 By playing upon the old ladys fears, the criminals were able to persuade her to give them her money. 罪犯们利用老太太恐惧的心理,终于使她把钱交了出来。65 That disobedient boy is a pest. 那不听话的男孩令人讨厌。66 He keeps a dog as a pet. 他养一只狗供玩赏67 After a long journey,we got to a petrol station at last. 一场长途跋涉后,我们终于赶到了加油站。68 An eclipse is an interesting phenomenon. 日月蚀是一个有趣的现象。69 After the wedding we all posed for a photograph. 婚礼之后,我们全体排好拍了一张照片。70 He is a good photographer. 他擅长摄影。71 His every phrase is salted with personality. 他的一言一语都富有个性。72 A physical examination is a preliminary to joining the army. 体格检查是参军的初步。73 He is a prominent physician. 他是位著名的(内科)医
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