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高效课堂 寇家河中学 设计:依然 审核:依然 教师寄语:你说我讲,快乐课堂;你争我辩,放飞梦想!九 英 导学案 上 册 班级: 姓名: 32-4-31【Lesson 31:Danny Tells All】导学案学习目标:1、掌握课标要求的“四会”词汇:fall ill2、能够了解更多的疾病。学习重难点:1、重点:如何描述自己在医院中的感受。 2、难点:a. I have something to tell you about Danny.b.Everyone is very quiet as Brian reads the letter.学法指导:独学学习流程:【自主学习】1、认真看课本 (第 38 页)2、自主完成 :.读课文回答下列问题1. Who visited Danny in the hospital yesterday?2. What happened to Danny?3. What did the doctor tell him to do?4. When will Danny be back to school?.翻译下列短语或句子1.come into 2.生病 / 3.感到难过 4.miss school 5.给某人某物 6.要求某人做某事 7.患阑尾炎 8.不再 9.take out 10.all day 11.第二天 12.醒来 13.发烧 14.plenty of 15.好好休息 16.感觉好多了 17.in the hospital 3、我的疑惑 :【合作探究】1、fall/be ill 的用法。 单选1).-How long has he ill?高效课堂 寇家河中学 设计:依然 审核:依然 教师寄语:你说我讲,快乐课堂;你争我辩,放飞梦想!九 英 导学案 上 册 -About a week. He ill five days ago.A. been ; fell B. been; felt C. fallen; was D. fallen; fell2).Danny didnt come to school because he ill in hospital.A. fall; the B. falls; the C. is ;/ D. fell; /根据汉语意思完成句子3)我哥哥这周病了,得了重感冒。My brother with this week.4) 那个男孩病了一周了。 That boy for one week.2、in hospital 与 in the hospital 的用法区别。 单选1) Danny is ill in . A hospital B the hospital C a hospital D some hospital2) Mom went to school to look for me yesterday. A a B the C / D one3、动词不定式作后置定语的用法1) 我正在找一个房子住。I am looking for a room .2) 我要告诉大家关于吉姆的一些事。I have you Jim.3) Its so hot outside.I want some green tea .A drink B to drink C drinking 【当堂达标】根据句意及首字母提示完成句子。1、Joy isnt at school today. She has f ill.2、Danny had a ,so he had to stay in hospital.【课外拓展】用所给词的适当形式完成句子1、She is feeling much (well) now.2、My parents have something (tell) you.3、Please bring me some books (read).4、The doctor already (take) it out.5、Let Jim (help) you.6、She told me (drink) plenty of water and (have) a rest.【课后反思】高效课堂 寇家河中学 设计:依然 审核:依然 教师寄语:你说我讲,快乐课堂;你争我辩,放飞梦想!九 英 导学案 上 册 自我评价: 对子评价: 教师评价:
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