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希望小学集体备课教案纸六年级 英语 学科 二 单元 2012 年 8 月 15 日科 目英语课 题 Lesson 10 LiMing Meets Jennys Class 课型新参加人六年级全体英语教师主备人 温晓琴 地点 教具课件等课件、录音机、教学目标 1、知识目标:(1)复习第 4 册学过的重点句型:How are you ? How old are you ? Where do you live ? Nice to meet you! Whats your name ? 能根据具体的情况,进行问答。2 能力目标:能运用学过的重点句型,谈论自己的年龄、姓名、兴趣爱好等方面的话题。3、情感态度:培养学生与他人进行交流的良好习惯。教学重点复习第 4 册学过的重点句型:How are you? How old are you ?Where do you live? Nice to meet you! Whats your name ?教 学难 点 能根据具体的情况,同学之间进行交流,谈论有关年龄、姓名、兴趣爱好等方面的话题。教学过程1.Greetings: Hello! How are you today? Nice to meet you ! How is the weather? 2.Song: Sing an English song “In The Bathroom” (用师生的自由交流和歌曲给学生创设一种宽松、愉悦的学习气氛,使后面的教学更加流畅自如。 )3.设置情景:在奥运会期间,北京的志愿者笑迎八方的来客,下面就是一名志愿者和一名运动员的对话: A: Hello, Nice to meet you ! B: Nice to Meet you ,too. A: Where are you froom ? B: Im from Canada . A: Oh, Its far from Beijing. B: Yes .Do you like Canada . A: Yes, Its great .Would you tell me, Whats your name ? B: My name is .I feel happy to see you. I think Beijing is very beautiful now. A: Thanks , Welcome to Beijing . B:Thanks ,You speak good English. 4Let the Ss ask and answer the questions . T: Do you know, who is this ? What is his name ? S: T: Yes, Where is he from? (教师有必要让学生猜猜这句话的意思,之后可以引导学生说) S: He is from Canada . T: Where are you from ? S: Im from China . T: Whats the name of your city? (这句话学生以前也很少接触,所以教师可以引导学生说) S: My city is T:Where do you live? S:I live in a house. (让学生自问自答,复个 性 化 修 改习以前学习的句型,给学生一种自主说英语的机会,培养学生自主性。)5.学习课文,教师可以先介绍。 T: In this lesson ,LiMing wants to go to school in Canada. He wants to learn English .Now LiMing meets Jennys class .Can you guess what they talk about?(practice the questions again .) (播放录音,让学生回答问题) (引导学习抓住文中的重点句型提问并会回答。培养学生对重点知识的提炼,帮助、指导学生学习,培养自学能力。) 6. Student book: Play the audiotape as the students follow in their books . 作业设计1、抄写本课四会单词及句型。 (全体同学)2、背会课文及 Dont teach fish to swim.(不要班门弄斧)3、根据所学编写一个小对话。板书设计教后反思
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