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凯程 2016 年集训营考取北京地区翻译硕士学员 30 多人,成功率 85%以上!第 1 页 共 9 页翻译硕士(MTI)考研必备之基础短语翻译防汛抗旱 flood control and drought relief 放眼全球 expand ones horizons to include the whole world 仿真机 replicating machine 仿真枪 imitation gun (Beijing police Wednesday seized 316 imitation guns, most of which had been sold via the Internet, Xinhua reported. 据新华社报道,北京警方本周三(16 日)缴获了 316 支仿真枪,其中大部分是通过网络售出的。) 翻盖手机 flip phone / clamshell phone 房地产商 real estate developer (London has planned 1b for the athletes village for the 2012 Olympic Games, part of which will be provided by an Australian real estate developer. However, the current financial crisis has caused a shortfall in funding. The British government has to provide 95m to avoid disruption to the construction of the village. 2012 年伦敦奥运村计划投资 10 亿英镑,其中部分将由一家澳大利亚房地产商承担。然而受金融危机影响,这笔资金迟迟无法到位,英国政府只得紧急伸出援手,拿出 9500 万英镑,确保有足够经费建设奥运村。) 房地产市场 real estate market 防范和化解金融风险 take precautions against and reduce financial risks 放鸽子 stand up 防砍服 凯程 2016 年集训营考取北京地区翻译硕士学员 30 多人,成功率 85%以上!第 2 页 共 9 页anti-stab shirt, slash-resistant shirt (Because of several crimes through stabbings in Japan lately, a Japanese company has developed a shirt that protects its wearer against stabbing which sells much better than usual days. The slash-resistant shirt costs about RMB 4000-6000, which varies from different sizes. 由于日本国内近期接二连三地发生砍人事件,该国一家护身用具公司生产的防砍服 销量暴增。衣服的价格依尺寸大小,一套约合 4000 至6000 元不等。) 房屋空置率 housing vacancy rate 返回舱 re-entry module 返回式科学与技术试验卫星 recoverable experimental science satellite 反恐军事演习 anti-terrorism military exercise 反倾销诉讼 anti-dumping charge 反弹 rebound (Wall Street rebounded Tuesday from the worst tumble since October. The Dow Jones rose 270.00, or 3.31%, to 8419.09. 遭遇 10 月以来最大跌幅后,纽约股市 12 月 2 日强劲反弹。道琼斯指数涨 270 点,收于 8419.09 点,涨幅为 3.31%。) 发扬成绩 build on our achievements 发展和管理网络文化 to develop and manage Internet culture 发展模式 mode of growth 法制环境 legal environment 肥差 plum job (All students are eager to land a plum job after graduation. 学生们都渴望毕业后能谋得一份肥差。) 凯程 2016 年集训营考取北京地区翻译硕士学员 30 多人,成功率 85%以上!第 3 页 共 9 页非常规能源 non-conventional energy 非常设机构 ad hoc organizations 废除领导干部终身制 abolish de facto life-long tenure of leading cadres non-Party personage 非典病例 SARS case 废电池 used batteries 非典定点医院 SARS-designated hospital 非典型性肺炎(严重急性呼吸道综合症 ) atypical pneumonia; severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) 非典疫区 SARS-affected area 非对称数字用户环路 Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Loop (ADSL) 非法闯入 trespassing (It is unclear why the woman entered the bear habitat, but police issued her a citation for trespassing. 当地警方以非法闯入 罪对该女子提出指控,她跳池的原因正在调查之中。) 非法拘留 unwarranted custody; unlawful detention 非法贸易 illicit trading 非法取证 illegal collection of evidence (Chinese lawmakers on Tuesday continued to read a draft amendment to the Criminal Procedural Law, suggesting more detailed stipulations to 凯程 2016 年集训营考取北京地区翻译硕士学员 30 多人,成功率 85%以上!第 4 页 共 9 页stemillegal collection of evidence. 全国人大常委会周二再次审议刑事诉讼法修正案草案,建议增加更多阻止非法取证行为的细节规定。) 费改税 tax-for-fee 费改税改革 tax-for-fees reform 非公有制经济 the non-public sectors of the economy 非关税贸易壁垒 non-tariff trade barriers 非国有工业企业 non-state industrial enterprises 非婚生子女 love child; illegitimate child; child born out of wedlock 非军事区 demilitarized zone (DMZ) 非劳动收入 income not from work; passive income 非流通股份 non-tradable stocks 飞毛腿(导弹) Scud missile 非贸易收汇 foreign exchange earnings through non-trade channels 非配额产品 quota-free products 废热发电厂 co-generation power plant (Singapore-listed Chinese hot-rolled steel coil manufacturer Delong Holdings said it has completed the construction of its first co-generation power plant in a bid to reduce its carbon footprint. 新加坡上市的中国热轧钢圈生产商德龙控股有限公司宣布它已经 凯程 2016 年集训营考取北京地区翻译硕士学员 30 多人,成功率 85%以上!第 5 页 共 9 页建成了该公司的首个废热发电厂,以减少碳足迹。) 非商标(非专利)产品 generic products 飞天奖 Flying Goddess Awarda kind of award for excellent Chinese TV programs 废物的循环使用 recycling of waste 飞行药检 spot check 非银行金融机构 non-bank financial institutions 非银行金融机构 non-bank financial institutions 非再生资源 non-renewable resources 非战争军事行动 non-combat military operations (Chinese President Hu Jintao has praised the military and armed police for their contributions in non-combat military operations, referring to activities such as disaster relief work. 国家主席胡锦涛赞扬了全军和武警部队在抢险救灾等非战争军事行动中的贡献。) 非洲、加勒比和太平洋国家集团(洛美协定) ACP(African, Caribbean and Pacific Group) 非主流 alternative 非自住业主 non-owner-occupier (The governments efforts to tighten credit and mortgage requirements for non-owner-occupiers have not bitten deeply so far. This years spring real estate fair at the Beijing World Trade Center sold property worth 2.9 billion yuan, according to reports. 目前政府在收紧信贷和对非自住业主房贷的政策方面还不是太严格。据报道,今年在国贸举办的北京春季房展成交的房产共价值 29 亿元。) 诽谤 smear (Former French Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin has been ordered to appear in court Wednesday in connection with an alleged smear campaign that targeted President Nicolas Sarkozy. 因涉嫌诽谤总统萨科齐,法国前总理德维尔潘 19 日被传唤参加法庭审讯。) 凯程 2016 年集训营考取北京地区翻译硕士学员 30 多人,成功率 85%以上!第 6 页 共 9 页(经济
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