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1初三英语时态、语态练习题(国庆节作业)主编:张照红 审核:钟素坤 魏茂香 关新玲 领导签字: 时间:2010.9.30I. 选择填空。( )1I think computer_ in everyday life before longA Will use B. will be usedC is used Dwas used( )2The year_ into four seasons.A has divided Bis dividedC divided D divides3.The concert_ next FridayA Will be taken place B will take placeC takes place D took place( )4We_ to be here at six o clockA Were told B told C are told D will tell( )5English_ all over the worldA Speak B speaks C is spoke D is spoken( )6_ these trees_ on the hill tomorrow?A Will be.planted B Will.plantedC Will.be planted D Will. plant( )7 He_ much better today,A is felt B feltC is being felt D is feeling( )8 The meeting_ in the room 302A will hold B will be heldC will be holded D will held( )9 Mary told me that the story book must_ to the library in two daysA be return B be returnedC been returned D return( )10 The broken g1ass_ away by me alreadyA has been threw B has thrownC has been thrown D has be thrown( ) l1 My bad tooth_ just out by the doctor,A have been pulled B have been pulledC has been pulled D has been pulled( )12 Vegetables, eggs and meat_ in this shopA sells B sold C is sold D are sold( )13 How do you make your room _so nice?A looks B to look C look D is looked( ) l4_ the homework_ by Tom?-Not yetAHas finished B Has been finishedCWas finished D Has been finished( ) 15_ your school library_ now?2A Isbuilt B Is. being builtC. Does build D Is building( )16The wounded soldier must_ to hospital at onceA been taken B take Cbe taken Dbeing taken( )17. This shirt cant _by machine.A. be washed B. wash C. be wash D. be washing( ) 18The paper for books and newspapers _from wood.A is made B are madeC is being made D has been made( )19. Mr. Smiths wallet_ outside the gate by MaryA Was founded B was foundC Was found out D is found( )20The film_in this town nowA is Showing B is shownC is being shown D is been shown( )21 Just now he_me that a new hotel_up near the parknext year.A told.was set B told would setC told.would be set D told wi11 set( )22. The policemen_ for the thief for a long time and finally he_by them yesterdayA searched caught B was searched. was caughtC. searched .was caught D. had searched.was caught( )24. I asked the man in the shop if the watch can _in two days.A when did it happen B when was it happenC when it was happened D when it happened( )24. I asked the man in the shop if the watch can_ in two daysA be repaired B repair C repaired D be repair( )25look, they_ how to cut riceA show B are being shownCare shown D are showing( )26The book_ well_ A has been. Written B is writtenC be written D is wrote( )27_ the children_ a medical examination once a year?A Dogive B Is.givenC Are. given D Does. give( )28A lot Of books_ in our libraryA is kept B are keptC is keeping D are keeping )29. When _ he Peoples Republic of China_ ?A. did.found B. was. foundC wasfounded D did.find( )30. They_ to speak at the meeting.3A ask B are asked C were asked D asked? II 把下列句子转换成被动语态,一空限填一词。(1) The teacher sent the students some books yesterdaySome books_ _ _ the students by the teacher yesterday.(2) He always keeps the keys in his pocketThe keys_ _ _1n his pocket.(3) Nobody can answer this questionThis question_ _ _ by anybody(4) The story made us laugh again and againWe_ _ _ _ again and again by the story(5) You must listen to your teacher carefullyYour teacher_ _ _ _ carefully.(6) The wind blew down the treeThe tree_ _ _ _ the win
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