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请从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项1. Sally: Dear, Nick. Shall we go to see a movie at the weekend?Nick: _A. Sure. Sally. Whats on this week?B. Yes, Id like to.C. No, I cant go with you because I will be on business.D. No, I dont want to go to the cinema.2. Which do you prefer, tea or coffee?_A. I prefer tea. B. I dont like either of them.B. I prefer fruit juice. D. All of A, B and C.3. I cant find my dictionary, have you seen it?_A. No. Why do you ask me?B. No, I havent. Perhaps you left it in the classroom.C. Yes, but I dont want to tell you where it is now. D. Yes, sure.4. I wonder why Lucy wants to be a school teacher?_A. I knew she doesnt want to be a doctor.B. Being a school teacher can enjoy long paid vacations.C. I wish I knew why. She must like children.D. Thats really a puzzle.5. Did you read that letter in the paper about smoking?_A. Yes, Im very much in favor of his suggestion.B. No, I dont like smoking.C. Yes, but I think he talked nonsense.D. Oh, is it interesting?6. Tom and Lin, two friends, meet in the street at noon.Tom: Hi, Lin, fancy meeting you here!Lin: _A. Hi, have you had your lunch, Tom?B. Oh, nice to meet you too, Tom.C. Hi, Tom! How are you theses days?D. Hi, Tom! Lets have lunch together!7. Madam, can I have a word with you?_A. Well er Im in a hurry. B. Oh, who are you?C. OK, whats the matter? D. No, Im busy now.8. Mike: Excuse me, Henry. Can I ask you something?Henry: _A. No, Im occupied now. B. Sure. What is it?C. Yes, say. D. No, dont bother me.9. At a bookstore_ 12 dollars.A. How much is the price of the book? B. Can you tell me the dollar of the book?C. The price, please? D. Whats the price of the book?10. I hope you have enjoyed your stay here._A. Yes, its a wonderful weekend! Thank you very much.B. Yes, its true. But Im sorry for the trouble Ive brought for you.C. Yes, but I feel sorry Ive brought you a lot of trouble.D. No, I dont like this city and Ill never come again.11. Excuse me, is Mr. Johnson in?_A. No, I havent seen him for ages. B. No, I dont know.C. No, who are you? D. No, why do you look for him?12. Could I use your dictionary?_A. No, I dont like others to use my dictionary.B. Sure. Help yourself.C. Oh, no.D. Yes, but I dont have a dictionary.13. Well, Linda and I are going to see Inception(盗梦空间 ), would you like to join us?_A. No, I would not. B. Really! But I cant.C. Really! Have a good time. D. Oh, itll be nice.14. Daughter: Mum, Im going to a dance tonight.Mum: _A. Oh, no, thats dangerous.B. Oh, no, you have to do your homework.C. Are you? Make sure you dont go alone.D. Are you? Ill go with you.15. Watch out! You nearly got hit by that car._A. Whew, narrow escape. I guess Ill be more careful after this.B. Oh, thank you.C. Yes, I know.D. Oh, really dangerous. But I am not frightened.16. Brown: Would you mind my smoking here?Lin: _A. Certainly, please. B. Not at all. Please dont.C. No, I hate smoking. D. Yes. Please dont because I hate the smell.17. I guess you enjoyed the football match._A. Oh, I wouldnt say that.B. Oh, please dont say so.C. No, the match was cancelled because of the rain.D. Damn, its awful.18. In a department storeShop assistant: Can I help you, Maam?Customer: _A. No, you cant. B. No, I dont want to be bothered.C. Yes, thank you. D. Yes, I wonder how much the blue shirt is.19. You couldnt look after my puppy for the day, could you?_A. Certainly, I like dogs very much.B. No, I am not free.C. Oh, no, why dont you take care of it by yourself?D. Yes, but I dont like puppies.20. Excuse me, Mr. Hardy. My fathers ill and Id like to take a few days off._A. Oh, really? Thats too bad. B. Oh, Im sorry to hear that. Anything I can help?C. Please go. D. Dont worry too much.21. Neither _ right. A. answers are B. answers arent C. answer is D. answer isnt22. They are not likely to agree to _ propositions.A. other any B. other all C. all other D. other these23. It was what he meant rather than what he said _ annoyed me. A. which B. as C. what D. that24. We _ to move but are still considering where to go to. A. are deciding B. decided C. have decided D. had decided 25. _ is known to everybody, the moon travels round the earth once every month.A. It B. As C. That D. What26. He was very busy yesterday, otherwise he _ to the meeting. A. would come B. came C. would have come D. had come 27. As is known to us all, _ tiger is in _ danger of becoming extinct. A. the, a B. the, C. a, D. , the28. My doctor advised me to _ smoking without delay.A. give off B. give to C. give in D. give up29. Its clear that the sports meeting _ to be a great success.A. kept B. showed C. proved D. remained30. Youd better choose the way
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